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  1. N

    Can I get in trouble for my CC gun printing?

    I carry an M&P .40 full size. I can hide it well but every once in a while I feel like there might as well be a sign on my shirt with an arrow pointing to my hip saying "gun". I was wondering if I could get some sort of disturbing the peace violation if an anti sees it printing through my shirt...
  2. N

    How many mags?

    I've been taking tactical pistol classes for almost a year now and I enjoy it greatly. We've gone over a lot of scenarios and drills and my skills have greatly improved as a result. I run an M&P .40 and my rig for class holds 3 mags. I go down to 1 extra mag when CC'ing the same gun. Just...
  3. N

    Am I wrong??

    I was having a discussion about why I carry a handgun. I was asked "oh, so if some crazy person starts shooting in a mall, you can take him out?" My answer was no. My gun is there to protect me and my family, not the general public. That is the job of police officers, which I am not. My first...