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  1. J

    Help with out of the box accuracy question...

    Just got a new 1895GG this morning. Considering going hunting tomorrow morning with it. If I do, I'll be hunting over a food plot about 65 yards long. Will my Marlin be accurate enough out of the box for this shot? I don't want to take an irresponsible shot. I shot it today at about 25 yards and...
  2. J

    Decent 8 pointer this morning...

    Walking back to my truck after a couple of hours of freezing my butt off this morning. Hadn't seen a darn thing cept some beavers. Got about 50 yards away from my truck and heard something in the woods. Looked over and there's this nice 8 pointer standing there looking the other way. Hunting's...
  3. J

    Savannah, GA Gun ranges?

    Anyone know of any ranges in Savannah GA? Can't find any on the internet.
  4. J

    45-70 ammo prices

    For all you that don't reload, what are you paying for 45-70 ammo? And where? Local or internet?
  5. J

    45-70 recoil and sighting it in...

    I keep hearing I'm not supposed to shoot a 45-70 off the bench because it kicks so blasted hard. "Make sure you shoot off hand" is what is posted often. My question is, how am I supposed to zero my rifle at 125 yards or so while shooting standing up? No way I'm that steady. I figure I'll have...
  6. J

    New 45-70 coming!

    I've been looking at buying a 1895 45-70 for a while now, saving my pennies. Went to Walmart today and asked the guy behind the counter to see some 45-70 ammo, just to take a look. He looked at me and said, and I quote, "Son, you don't have enough ass to be shooting a 45-70." (I'm 6'2" and about...
  7. J

    POI vs. POA in deerstand compared to bench

    Wondering what kind of difference you get in point of impact vs point of aim shooting from a treestand, say 20 feet up, compared to sighting your gun in from a bench rest. I know it depends on what caliber you're shooting, but generally speaking, what's the difference? If you're dead on at 150...
  8. J

    scout mount for 1895

    Can someone explain the basics of a "scout" mount to me? I see that the 1895 is kind of like the 1911 as far as aftermarket accessories, etc. goes. What are the benefits? I want to mount a low fixed power scope on an 1895, maybe a 2.5 or 4 power. Would a scout mount be what I want?
  9. J

    Pachmeyer Decelerator pad

    Where can I get one of these? Want to mount it on an 1895GS. Can I do it myself or do I need to get it done for me?
  10. J

    Man, I'm dying for a 45-70!

    Went bear hunting in PA a couple of weeks ago and met a guy that hunts with a Marlin 45-70 Guide Gun. That is one sweet rifle! It's keeping me up at night trying to figure out how and when to get one. So a couple of questions: What's the trajectory on a 45-70 look like out to 150 yards? The...
  11. J

    Do you believe you're a good enough shot?

    At our range we have some "realistic" targets with a hostage holding a GG in front of him, gun to head, etc. You know what I'm talking about. There's really only the BG's head showing and it's right next to the GG's head. What I want to know is, at 10 or 15 yards, are you good enough to draw...
  12. J

    Hunting around Savannah GA?

    Possible move to Savannah GA in Jan. How's the hunting around there? Primarily deer? I think I'm probably getting spoiled up here in NC with all the farm land I get to hunt on.
  13. J

    preban AR questions...

    So here's my question...I'm kind of in the market for an AR15, preferably a shorty. Does it really matter whether it's a pre or post ban weapon? My understanding is that the preban allows a folding or collapsable stock, bayonet lug, and flash suppressor. I can't think of a single situation...
  14. J

    Thinking about some nightsites

    Have a G36 and am thinking about getting some night sites for it. I know I have several options, trijicons, glock, etc. the tri's seem to be pretty expensive while apparently the glock brand aren't. What would you suggest and where can I get the best price?
  15. J

    NC members

    Am I correct in that there's no minimum caliber to hunt deer with in NC? The regs say no shotgun larger than 10 gauge and give some restrictions on pistol caliber and barrell length but almost nothing on rifles.
  16. J

    Okay, so here's a dumb question...

    I believe the law in my state says you can hunt with any rifle as long as it holds no more than 10 rounds. Could I hunt with an M4 with a 10 round mag then? Would this be ridiculous?
  17. J

    Batman's Utility Belt

    Just got done reading a thread about carrying extra mags. I have no idea how you guys do it. Between my CCW, wallet, checkbook, keys, and small pocket knife, I feel like I'm carrying an extra 5 pounds of stuff. The thought of adding a mag carrier or two is daunting...and I'm not even talking...
  18. J

    cleaning during and after it rains

    this could probably fit better in the general forum, but it applies here too. Was out hunting this afternoon for a short while before it started to downpour. Standing out there while my rifle gets soaked is definitely no fun. Walked back to the truck and hosed everything down with WD-40 as...
  19. J

    30-30 for bear?

    Will be hunting bear in PA for the first time ever this thanksgiving. Would my 30-30 be adequate? I have access to a 30-06 I can borrow if I need to. According to the hunt master, no shots I will take will be over 100 yards. Is my 30-30 enough gun? They said black bear in that particular area...
  20. J

    Another scent thread...

    Was at a recent Deer Classic in my city, checking out various taxidermist stuff, etc. There was a professional hunter there. In fact, he claimed to have been the very first black professional hunter. Don't remember his name. Anyway, he did a 20 minute session on some of the tricks he uses to...