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  1. B

    Buying a 9mm in Canada

    Hi, i am located in Toronto, Canada. I am interested in buying a 9mm. There are very limited shops in Toronto that sells guns. Even less after Ontario Sporting Supplies got robbed. They are now going to close down (the owner is scared to open it now). The list of 9mm i could find are very...
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    Best trigger from factory !

    Hi, We always get asked from members about what is the best gun to purchase and what manufacturer is the most reliable, accurate, and durable. From my experience, the most important factor to purchasing a pistol is the trigger. It doesnt matter how expensive or what size, or make. If you...
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    Local gun store in Toronto was robbed !

    It is sad news, us as Canadians are under so much pressure from the public and from the media about our sport. Now after this incident, we are going to get so much BS from the media. Here is a news link and a video link. News Link Link for video I have been to the store many times. I...
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    Looking for a range gun. .45, Para or CZ

    I am looking into purchasing a .45 to go with my guns. I will be using it for the range only. I need it to have adjustable sights. It has to be accurate and reliable. I have narrowed it down to CZ 97 or Para Ordnance 14.45 Ltd. I like the feel of larger pistols. Any other recommendations...
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    Need a manual for a Smith and Wesson Model 41

    Hi, recently bought a Target Smith and Wesson Model 41. :) I would like to know some tips on cleaning and where to get a manual. How is your experiece with the gun. Mine is the 7" Target version with balance weights and muzzle brake. It is a beautiful gun. :) Bullseye :) :o :p ;) :D...
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    HELP Sig 220 or Para LDA 7.45

    I am looking for a range gun in the 0.45 caliber. I narrowed it down to 2 pistols. Sig 220 and Para Ord. LDA 7.45 Ltd. does the sig 220 come with adjustable sights?
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    which 10/22 model?

    I am interested in purchasing a 10/22 rimfire rifle. I am not sure which model to purchase. What model is best for target shooting and plinking. I dont really like the barrel band on the stock. Which is better stainless or blue. I just want a factory rifle, i am not going to modify it...
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    accuracy of p14.45 and p16.40

    Hi, i am looking into getting a Para in either 14.45 Ltd or 16.40 Ltd. I will be using it for indoor range only. Is one caliber more accurate than the other? Is there a significant difference in recoil between the two calibers in the para? What caliber would you recommend? Also, what kind of...
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    best/crisp trigger for a semi-auto

    I shoot a old Smith and Wesson Model 52 in 38 special today. It is a 38 special that takes wadcutters only. It is used primarily for target/bullseye shooting. I would have to say it has the best trigger i have ever shoot. Even custom 1911s. It is a crisp 2.5 pounds or less. It is amazing...
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    K38 Masterpiece M14

    I recently purchased a used k38 model 14 in 6". It comes with a wide Target trigger and target hammer. It is a used Bullseye pistol, it is dead accurate with HBWC. I am still waiting to transport it home. I know it is a k frame revolver. It it fairly old, it has some custom target grips...