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  1. A

    Red Dot on a 44 Magnum

    I've been looking at a couple of scopes to mount on my Raging Bull(Just arrived today). I'm thinking of a 2x, but I'm also thinking of a 1x red dot. It seems that the red dots are quicker to pick up than cross hairs, but I'm worried about the magnum recoil and its wicked amounts of...
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    El Matador and his Bull

    I ordered a Raging Bull .44mag today. 6in barrel. I'll be using it for hunting, maybe a little CCW in the winter:eek: I'll let you all know how she does as soon as I can break it in.
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    Ordered new gun for deer season...

    I ordered a Raging Bull .44 Mag, blued, 6.5in barrel. Can't wait to get it in an put it through it's paces. I want to get quite familiar with it before I get in the field. May scope it, may not. OPinions are welcome. I won't be taking shot over 75yds at all.
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    Handgun Hunters Help, Please.

    I need to get help in choosing a hangun for hunting whitetails and possibly bear in VA. 75 yd max shots. I'm looking at the Raging Bull in .44 or .454, A Ruger Blackhawk(I think that's it. The Vaquero with adjustables.) the GLOCK 20 and the Witness 10.THe latter 2 not for bear, of course. I must...
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    Hunting With a Hand Cannon

    I am looking to purchase a handgun for hunting season this year. I am having a hard time choosing between a Raging Bull in .44 or .454, a Witness 10mm, and a GLOCK 20. I'll be hunting white tail in VA, so my shots won't go beyond 75 yds. even if I was willing to take them ( Which I'm not). I may...