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  1. D

    Cleaning a semi-automatic through the muzzle?

    I've done a quick cleaning of my semi- auto by using a long Q- tip pushing a patch soak with Ballistol than a dry patch through the muzzle of the barrel instead of a boresnake. I have always heard that you should never clean a semi- auto through the muzzle. Will this hurt my pistols if I keep...
  2. D

    how old is my remington model 12?

    My dad past away 12 years ago and before his passing he gave me his first rifle, which his dad traded a 12 gauge & 2 pigs for during the depression. It's a 22 Remington Model 12. It's been in my closet since my dad gave it to me & now I want to take it to the range & shoot it but, I'm trying to...
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    I love my Ruger single six BUT!!!

    I have a Ruger 1968 3-screw single six which I would never sale but I have to admit I enjoy shooting my semi automatics more? I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way!! What do you think?:D
  4. D

    savage 64fxp rifle, did I make the right move?

    I have been retired for about a year & needed a hobby so I bought a few 22 pistols to take to the local gun range but the other day Big 5 had the Savage 64fxp rifle on sale so I went a head & bought it. I know that is a low price rifle but do you think I should have spent a few more dollars &...
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    I believe my new gsg 1911 22 might be better than my M&P 22

    Went to the range this week & was surprise how well my new gsg 1911 22 shot the bulk ammo I took along. I love my S&W M&P 22 but I think the gsg might be better when it come's to shooting bulk ammo?
  6. D

    Is a Rossi 357 worth buying?

    I have a good friend who ask me if I would be interested in buy his Dad's 357 971 Rossi revolver. He is asking $375.00 but I'm not sure if they even build revolvers anymore and if something broke would I be able to get it fix. Would appreciate some feed back.
  7. D

    Cheep ammo question?

    I took my 22lr pistols to the range today & had a problem with the cheap ammo I purchase. It seemed that the bullet part was larger than the casings. My semi auto would jam using them and in my revolver they would work but they were hard to load, like they were a bit to large. Now my question...
  8. D

    Twenty Two

    All I have is two 22 pistols & one rifle. My question is what 22 shell would be good for home defense if that's all you have. I'm wanting to move up to a 40 or 45 but for now that's all I have. Del