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  1. J

    This maybe out of line, but this is sooo weird....

    and REALLY REALLY SICK!!!!! How can anybody do this? I feel so nauseated. Excuse me, I need to clean my computer screen now! Yeach! Is this for real? I really hope not! Johannes
  2. J

    Petition for Bush to support the Second Amendment

    Please sign this petition. It ONLY has 356 signatures the last time I checked. Thank you Johannes
  3. J

    Help on Argentinian Mauser (1909)

    My very good friend's father just acquired an Argentinian Mauser that was made in 1909. Somebody told me that the steel is soft that he should heat treat it first before firing it, otherwise, it might not be able to handle modern cartridge. But I thought a 7.65 Argentine cartridge made in 2001...
  4. J

    help on Argentinian Mauser (made in 1909)

    Hello all: My friend's father just acquired an Argentinian Mauser that was made in 1909. Somebody told him that the steel is "soft" and he should get it heat treated first before firing it, otherwise, it may not be able to handle the pressure of modern ammo. I thought a 7.65 Argentine...
  5. J

    Anytime I see a discussion about M-16/5.56mm ammos, I am sick and tired of......

    seeing phrases such as "....lighter guns are needed so that smaller statured men like the Asians and the Latinos can carry them". What ROT! Do you think working manual labors day in and dy out in those third world slums with a bowl of rice for dinner are easy? I don't know why most people...
  6. J

    Questions for firearm experts/engineers: late model Mauser 98K, safe to fire?

    Hello everybody: Are the Mausers produced in late 1944 and early 1945 safe to fire? I have a sporterized (more like butchered stocked) 1945 Mauser 98K that I used to shoot occasionaly. I have doubts about its metallurgy (after all it was made in a time when Germany was losing the war rapidly)...
  7. J

    For those who think that a tiny bitty .25 handgun is enough: better think again.

    Hello everybody: Look what kind of hell this poor lady had to go to because she decided to use a mouse gun. Get a reall gun, for cryin' out loud! I think any handgun gun under .38 Special ought to be banned for its lack of effectiveness. That way, people would buy handguns that would actually...
  8. J

    Bruised cheekbone from firing 98K Mauser. How to avoid this?

    Hello everybody: I went shooting today with a friend, firing a Mauser 98K, He got a bruised shoulder, I got a bruised cheekbone. It seems that anytime I pulled the trigger, the stock jumped and hit me on the cheek. After 30 rounds or so, I had to quit shooting because my cheek was swollen...
  9. J

    Mauser 98 sights / ammunition impact

    Hello everybody: I owned this 1939 Kar 98 rifle that I really really love and adore (seriously!). I am very sad, however, that whenever I go to the range to shoot this piece of history, I can't seem to hit what I am aiming at. Example: 100 yards distance, 7.5" diameter black target on 24" x...
  10. J

    Going house to house with leaflets

    Dear everybody: I am planning to deliver leaflets containing the real facts about guns to the houses in my immediate neighborhood. Is that legal for me to swamp my neighborhood with these leaflets? Would the post office be upset with me if I delivered these leaflets door to door by hand...
  11. J

    Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that US citizens are no longer fit to govern

    I read on Fulton's Armory about Supreme Court rulling saying that American public is no onger fir to rule / govern because we have become unbelievably ignorant about our national issues. Please, everyone should read this! Just go to Fulton Armory's web site, and scroll down until you see a...
  12. J

    Is it rude to call a congressman/woman if you're not his/her constituent?

    I just e-mailed my reps (WA) and other reps from AZ. Is it rude for me to contact reps from out of my state? Johannes