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  1. T

    Rilfed Slugs for smooth bore 870???

    OK, I know that this has been covered a zillion times...Just got 10 boxes of Winchester Rifled slugs for my smooth bore Rem 870. Now from what I understand, this is exactly as it should be correct? Thanks...LARRY
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    Black Talons

    Ok, maybe this topic has been beat to death...If so, forgive me for I have not paid attention :D In any event, I have recently got on a Talon buying binge. On, you can find "real black talons" in the original boxes, and plenty of repackaged stuff for LEO's only,Rangers etc. I...
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    PRK where are we heading?

    I recently read an LA times article that pointed out the fact that Gov. Gray Davis, passed more gun control laws than all of the other Governors in the US combined :eek: Lucky us huh? With a Democratic controled legislature, we can expect more of the same from this lame duck liberal... With a...
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    The Morning After...

    Woke up this morning, and felt like I had a hangover... Yes, things change in life, but as they say, if it aint broke don't fix it! I was a member of the 1911 forum, Perfect, and have dabbled in the forum before I even knew of the Firing Line . I have also been in knife...
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    Santa Robs store for Drugs

    "An individual dressed as Santa -- beard, hat, the whole works -- just walked to the back of the store to the pharmacist, displayed his weapon and asked for the OxyContin,'' Police Capt. Mike Spraker said. "No reindeer or sleds were observed in the area,'' said Spraker, who said he wanted any...
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    Molon Labe Gear

    Hey Larry, What' s the ETA for the latest shipment? Can't wait to get my sweatshirt etc Larry :p
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    Can anyone get a FFL?

    Living in a State that as a matter of course tramples the protection given by the US Constitution, I thought that perhaps having a FFL would preclude me from living under such oppression. I have no record at all, veteran US Navy, etc. What qualifications do you have to have? Can I then posess...
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    More Anti Rhetoric...

    The NRA and Their Operatives Now Control Congress AND the White House In Election 2002, a war-time President's intensive campaign efforts led to a one-party sweep of Congress with the end result that the extreme gun lobby and their allies in the House, Senate and White House now control the...
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    Shooting in Weather?

    Since I have never discharged a firearm outside the great liberal state of California, I was wondering, how it is shooting in snow, ice, single digit temps etc. I will move from this wonderful area in the future, but until then, perhaps you guys can fill me in. Does anyone shoot in the snow? are...
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    How many read Small Arms Review?

    For all you lucky Class III guys, as well as those who are interested in firearms from a historical perspective, this is the mag for you...Beautiful pics, in depth articles, an appreciation of firearms in all of there many forms. Small Arms Review hard to find in some areas but, well worth it...
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    Very Important Election Day

    Well, With the entire House of Reps, a third of the Senate, and 36 Gov's being elected today, it's safe to say that the RKBA will be affected a great deal. I have few choices to vote for in this State. I understand however, that the Senate and House will perhaps fall into Republican Hands by...
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    Great Day at The Range

    Yesterday, with 2 friends, we drove to a outdoor range, in Angeles National Forest. Beautiful fall day, with only a few people on this normally busy range. Shot, SIG 45 HK45 Glock 9mm HK 40 Colt AR15 Mini14 Winchester 30-30. Several hundred rounds of fun. I am glad to be involved in this...
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    How many times can you Kill them?

    While watching CNN this morning, it was stated that MD and VA ans AL, will seek the death penalty against the two coward snipers. OK fine. Potentially 6 jurisdictions plus the FEDS, can file charges against these two. Is it not a waste of time and not to mention taxpayers money to allow this to...
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    Hey All, After buying several items from individuals on Gun Broker.Com, I was wondering how many others shop there? Mostly ammo and magazines attract my attention, but they have lots of other goodies as well. No stinking taxes, and some rather unusual items to boot...
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    Glock 23 Hey Gents, I am thinking about buying this for $400.00 + tax from a local pawnshop who is getting out of the gun business (fallout from Californias new soon to be laws) Anyway, I am a H&K guy, and have only shot the Glock 21. The gun is in excellent shape...
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    SS109 Round on the Cover of USA Today

    Unusual sight to be sure... Also, they have a picture of the Evil AR and horror my Mini 14!!! Being that the Mini is the only .223 you can own in this State, I hope that the politicans don't inflame the sheeple into banning the .223 round or my Mini. Forget bolt action rifles, they aren't even...
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    "Bowling For Columbine"

    Well, in an era of already hightened anti-gun sentiments, another film will be opening in Oct with an anti- gun, NRA, theme. The guy who made this film, Michael Moore, has already stated that "American society would be more secure if organizations like the NRA didn't promote guns so eagerly."...
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    William Bratton & RKBA

    As a Los Angeles resident who is about to experience our 4th Police Chief in the past 10 years, what can you guys tell us about William Bratton. What are his RKBA views? From what I understand, you have to be interviewed by a judge or somebody to purchase a handgun in New York? Or, is that just...
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    Firearms related mostly...

    OK Gents, After thinking that I had posted a pic on TFL, I was advised that my link did not work. I use to have before it went belly up! Now, I am stuck with stinking AOL you have pics. After posting earlier today, another member pointed out to me that my link did not work...
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    Conventional Warfare... With all of the recent talk about Nukes, Bio warfare etc, I am wondering are we prepared to slug it out the old fashioned way? With Saddam loosing the mother of all battles 10 years ago, has he gotten stronger? Are we weaker? Will the next fight...