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  1. B

    This is why I keep her...

    So after a year of seeing her (8 months of which I spent planning the perfect proposal speech -- which got discarded in its entirety at the last moment, of course), I finally proposed to my girlfriend. She accepted, we're getting married October 25, 2003, in the woods behind our house. (At...
  2. B

    Altering a Beretta decocker?

    I currently carry a Beretta 96 in condition 2. I used to carry a Taurus PT-92 in condition 2, but I like the Beretta better. The only thing I preferred about the Taurus over the Beretta is that the Taurus' safety lever allowed cocked-and-locked condition 1 carry, if I chose. The Beretta...
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    Lying (or telling the truth) with statistics

    One of the most common comparisons I see in the gun debate is between cars and guns. The antis say things like "all cars are registered, why shouldn't all guns be, also?". Gun-rights people frequently point out that guns are involved in far fewer fatalities than cars are, so why isn't there an...
  4. B

    The four rules. And holsters.

    So the other day I was relaxing on my couch, and my P32 was sitting inside my left ankle in its holster. I was sitting with my legs crossed American style (left ankle resting on right knee). So the P32 was pointed, in the holster, more or less horizontally across the room, out the sliding...
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    My letter to Logan's Roadhouse management

    I had a bad experience last week at a Logan's Roadhouse. Because of Virginia's silly Restaurant Ban, I was carrying openly, not concealed. I was (in my opinion) treated poorly by the management. I'm sending their corporate headquarters a letter. It's too long to post here, but some of you...
  6. B

    (VA) In-home concealment, instant access

    (VA) In-home concealment (w/ pics and video) Skunkabilly's thread, here , about roommates and long gun storage, was well-timed. Just yesterday, I finished building a concealment/instant access vault into my house. Until recently, I had no need for such a thing, being a guy living alone. But...
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    Simple enough for a 10-year-old to grasp... why can't Sarah Brady et al? Last night I took my girlfriend and her two kids out to dinner. I've been seeing her for 8 months, and she and the kids are used to seeing me carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed (with Virginia CCH permit). So there we were, sitting in the Pizzeria...
  8. B

    Reducto ad absurdum

    I recently thought of a new way of forcing blissninnies into a logically-insupportible position. (Well, it's new to me, anyway, in case someone's already been using it...) Suggest to them that all of the metal detectors be removed from all of the airports. They'll look at you like you're out...
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    Beretta Cougar in .45 ACP. Opinions?

    Hi, my name is BrokenPaw, and I'm a Beretta lover. <crowd>"Hi, BrokenPaw!"</crowd> I know that a lot of people here seem to be more or less unimpressed with Beretta handguns. I can't figure out why, of course, but then, the mother of an ugly baby never knows it either. I own a Beretta 92FS...