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    Judge dismisses lawsuit challenging Texas's Campus Carry Law

    Good news coming out of a Federal Court today! Judge Lee Yeakel dismissed a complaint by three professors at the University of Texas at Austin seeking to overturn Senate Bill 11, the campus carry law passed by the Texas Legislature in 2015, as unconstitutional. The ruling can be found here...
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    HuffPo op-ed urges "gun-free" signs for homes

    I did a quick search and didn't see that anyone had posted about this yet. In what would be great satire if it weren't unfortunately meant as a serious proposal, a GWU Law Prof writes in this Huffington Post op-ed piece that people should post "gun free" zones outside their homes...
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    Louisiana Constitutional Amendment

    According to this post by David Kopel on The Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, there is a referendum on a proposed amendment to the Louisiana Constitution on the ballot in November. From what Kopel says, it would significantly strengthen the state's recognition of RKBA, but he does link to a...
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    Mas Ayoob: Sipping on Starbucks and Listening to the Radio I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee, but I may go in and buy a cup of frappulatechino the next time I pass one. :cool:
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    Gun Bills Advance in TN Legislature

    And the Memphis Commercial Appeal whines about the fact that its mis-use of the First Amendment is going to result in it being made illegal to "out" people with Handgun Carry Permits. It concerns me that the vote on allowing permitted carry in parks has been delayed...
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    Let them have it

    The notoriously anti-carry Memphis Commercial Appeal says it wants your opinion on HB 0960, a bill before the TN General Assembly this week that would allow people with Handgun Carry Permits to carry legally in public parks. Let them have it.
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    Home Depot (again. . . !)

    This afternoon after work I went to the new Home Depot that has just opened up in midtown Memphis. Since I live in midtown, I've been very excited at the prospect of not having to drive as far to shop at Home Depot. I need a couple of florescent light panels to remodel my den and I thought I...
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    Gun article in Popular Science Magazine

    From the May 2002 issue of Popular Science. The article ends with the following: "Stephan Wilkinson is not gun-shy about letters. Write to him at" If you wish to write a letter to the editor as well as to Mr. Wilkinson, the address is