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  1. C

    New to me 60LS

    Ran across a guy at the gun shop trading this pistol in and offered him a marginal amount more than the low ball trade they were going to give him on an AR deal they were running. Long story short I met up with the guy selling the Smith&Wesson 60LS last night. Got it for $425 with 50 rounds of...
  2. C

    Beautiful Day To Shoot

    I went to the range today with my wife, daughter, and two other friends to shoot for a few hours and figured I would share a few photos of the range I frequent and my shooting. My range is actually a club and members have access to over 200 hundred acres including a huge lake, 30 shot 3D archery...
  3. C

    New to me Glock 23

    So I went to the LGS to pick up 4 boxes of ammo for a range trip and ended up leaving with a Glock 23 :eek:! I really should not be allowed to go to the LGS ever LOL. ;) I will say that this purchase was totally my wife's fault and she even admits it. She has been looking at Glock 23's for...
  4. C

    Finally Scored A XDS!!!

    So after looking for one of these babies for upwards of 6 months I landed one last night!!!!! I almost couldn't sleep I was so excited! I'm hoping to get to the range this afternoon or tomorrow and run a hundred or so rounds through it. I have spent the last hour cleaning it and playing around...
  5. C

    Ohio is now introducing an "assault weapon" ban

    Just an FYI: If you have been getting lax on emailing and calling your representatives and you live in Ohio it's time to step it up!! The guns that are deemed assault weapons will leave you scratching your head...... Nahh actually I am not surprised...