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  1. B

    AK Variant

    (no not fully auto)So sometime within this next year i plan on getting some kind of AK, 7.62 seems like a good round and i don't have a centerfire autoloader. Now the thing is I don't exactly know too much about them, I know that I am not a fan of the wood furniture, which all things considered...
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    When my Masculinity doesn't matter

    I've been a gun owner for a couple years now, and when i purchased my first one my friend took me out to go shooting and taught me basically the safety rules for handling a gun, whether it be rifle, handgun, shotgun or whatever else. And man does it feel cool to shoot. So fastforward 2 years...
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    Mistimed or not?

    So i was bequeathed an old colt revolver that was my great grandpas, i've taken it to a gun shop to have them assess it and they basically told me it was kapoot. They said the barrell was pitted and it was mistimed. Well talking to others the pitting isn't a huge deal but it leaves me with the...
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    Best Concealed Carry

    Hey all, I have been thinking pretty heavily on getting a concealed carry permit here in Montana, which is very easy to do once i get a state license, but once i do i was just wondering if anyone had any opinions on what type of holster/brand if applicable i should get. I generally just wear...
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    Autoloading 22

    I've been looking into getting an autoloading 22 to have some fun with, i was wondering if anyone had advice...and here are things i've been thinking. The Henry AR-7 is my top runner right now, i just think it looks super cool and i love how it breaks down. I've read quite a bit on how they've...
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    Tikka T3 lite stainless/most memorable shot

    hey guys, i posted a few days ago about getting a rifle and i ended up with the t3 lite .243. I absolutely love it and cant wait to get started. the only thing is that i have heard several different things about breaking in my new rifle but i thought i'd come to my favorite forum for your ways...
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    19teens 38 colt rebuild

    I was recently willed a .38 colt revolver circa. 1910-1920 from my grandpa a year or so ago. I finally got it and had it inspected and found the barrel was pitted and it was mistimed. The store owner said that it could be reworked into shooting condition but it would cost more than it's worth...
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    I'm looking to buy my first rifle bigger than a 17hmr. The things that i want it for are mainly just to go plinking shooting, prairie dog hunting, just having fun. So i would like something affordable to shoot a lot(probably will not be reloading ammo). However I don't want to...