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    Stripper clips for .308???

    This may seem like a dumb question but are there stripper clips made for the .308 case? I have never seen them. If they do exist, where might I find them? Thanks
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    Weaver Classic V 24 scope...Good?

    I am considering the purchase of a Weaver Classic V 24, 6-24X scope for varmint hunting. I have no experience with the Weaver brand and would like other shooter's opinions on this scope. What other scopes would this compare to? Thanks.
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    Which press? Lee Challenger or RCBS Partner?

    I want to get a press to take to the range to seat bullets only. (223, 22-250). I want something small but it has to be accurate (hardly any play in the ram). I've narrowed it down to the above listed presses. Does anyone have any comments regarding them? Thanks.
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    Changing to magnum primers

    After loading about 1500 9mm rounds, I finally ran out of standard primers. I do have CCI magnum primers on hand and have considered using them (I would reduce the load). I am shooting a 129 gr lead bullet over 3.5 gr of Bullseye. This will be used in a Beretta 92F. My question: If I would...
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    Turret presses...How accurate are they?

    I like the idea behind a turret press and I own a Lyman turret (my first press). But how accurate is the turret press? There is a slight amount of "rock" in the turret head and I'm just wondering if this could be a factor when making precision ammo. Has anyone ever done a test to see just how...
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    Neck tension vs. OAL

    I have a Savage 110V 22-250 and plan to shoot Sierra 53 gr match bullets (moly coated). When I seat the bullet to the lands there is only .100" of the bullet in the neck. I would like to have more (hunting purposes) but that is where the trade off comes in AND the question. How much of the...
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    Which is better...a 40mm or 50mm front objective scope?

    I'm considering getting a 36X scope for load testing only. The company offers this scope in 40 and 50 mm front objective sizes. I know that the larger one will allow more light to come in but since I will not be using it near dusk or dawn, is it really an advantage? Are there any disadvantages...
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    Which is better...a 40mm or 50mm front objective scope?

    I'm considering getting a 36X scope for load testing only. The company offers this scope in 40 and 50 mm front objective sizes. I know that the larger one will allow more light to come in but since I will not be using it near dusk or dawn, is it really an advantage? Are there any disadvantages...
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    What calibers do you shoot using 2200 powder?

    I have heard a lot about 2200 powder and have considered trying it in my CAR-15. But what other calibers does it work well in? Is it an accurate powder? How tempermental is it? Does it meter well through a powder measure? Thanks in advance.
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    Which primers do you like best, CCI or Federal?

    I will be loading up some pistol (.45 ACP) ammo and ammo for my AR-15 and was wondering what the prefered primer is these days. Of the two listed, which do you prefer? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, any comments on AA 2200 powder? Good, bad, etc?
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    Gore's Court Comes Thru Again

    The Democrat Supreme Court (I mean the Florida Supreme Court) has again over stepped their authority and given Gore the edge. Maybe they didn't listen to the U.S. Supreme Court? They said the ruling was 3-4 but I have no doubt that it was unamimous for Gore. They probably chose 3 justices...
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    Have you voted yet?

    Have you voted yet? If not, stop reading this post, log off the computer AND GO VOTE!!!!! You don't want to forget to vote and sometimes things come up that might cause you to forget or get distracted. SO GO VOTE!!! Then you can come back to TFL. Thanks, John NRA Life Member SAF CRPA
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    Part of Klinton's legacy

    This was sent to me by a friend. I realize many of you are planning to vote for Gore (Clinton, Jr.) and that's your right. But I think the following clearly demonstrates both Clinton and Gore's, by association, ongoing disrespect of the flag, and vicariously, of those who serve our country...
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    Has anyone tried AOL 6 ?

    If anyone has, what is your opinion of this "improvement"? I have heard that some people have switched back to AOL 4 from 5 due to some problems.
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    It's not just about the 2nd Amendment, it's about freedom.

    Doing what it takes to keep the Second Amendment alive and well is the one thing that we all must do, especially during the next 4 weeks. But it goes further than that. It is about all of our rights. The right to free speech, freedom to assemble, the right to be free from unreasonable search...
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    VOTE! It's not a choice this time.

    If any election will dictate the outcome of our gun rights, it will be this one. Having AlGore as president would be bad enough. But he would, in all probability, have the opportunity to select 3-4 Supreme Court justices. If that happens, we will not have the chance to take a gun case to a...
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    Recommendation for range finder

    Electronic range finders have on the market now for several years. Well, the wife said that she would get me one for Christmas and wanted to know which one I wanted. So I will ask you folks. What is your opinion regarding a range finder that will be used for varmint shooting at ranges up to...
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    Recommendation for range finder

    Electronic range finders have on the market now for several years. Well, the wife said that she would get me one for Christmas and wanted to know which one I wanted. So I will ask you folks. What is your opinion regarding a range finder that will be used for varmint shooting at ranges up to...
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    Computer Question

    I know this isn't a gun related question and I apologize for that. But I thought that someone out there might be able to help. Does anyone know of a message board, similar to this type of board, that deals with computer topics? I can't seem to find a good one. Also, does anyone use the DSL...
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    Burris Signature rings - Your opinions

    I have a set of Burris Signature rings on a varmint handgun. I really like the idea of the plastic inserts being self-aligning and that it won't scratch the scope. It sure is easier than lapping the rings. My question is why don't more shooters use these rings? It seems to be the best idea out...