Search results

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    extractor tension?

    I hear about "adjusting extractor tension" from time to time on this forum. Just how do you adjust an extractor? To look at it, it's nothing but a funny shapped bar with a hook that goes into the rear of the slide. So how do you "fix" an extractor? I've had the original extractor in my Kimber...
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    Sheriff elections?

    Why is the office of Sheriff and elected office? I'm sure there's plenty of politics involved but it's still more of LE job than a political job is it not? I don't remember seeing Fire Chief on my last few ballots so why do we elect the Sheriff? Shouldn't the Sheriff be appointed by the mayor...
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    Friends first shoot

    I met a friend today at a local (and ONLY) shooting range today. He had recently bought a Sig Pro SP 2340 in .40 S&W, his FIRST handgun. He was very excited for his first shoot as was I because I was finally going to get a chance to shoot a SIG, a weapon I have heard so many things about...
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    9-11 video

    A couple weeks ago, I picked up a 9-11 DVD. It was made by two documentary film makers named Jules and Gedeon Naudet (brothers) and a friend of theirs on the FDNY named James Hanlon. This wasn't made to be a 9-11 video. Initially, it was the story of a young fireman on his 9 months...
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    How to ban guns?

    This has probably been asked before but nothing like a good refresher course in protecting ALL our rights. Just how would guns ever be totally, 100% legally banned? You always hear some politician or Hollywood wacko going off from time to time on the RKBA but is it for real? I mean, there's a...
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    Redneck neighbor

    Check out this website. Do you like your neighbor? Can he compete with this?
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    Federal ammo ???

    Well, I fired off the first of some Federal .45 ACP ammo. I was your basic 230 gr. FMJ that I got for $10.00 a box on-line. I only brought 100 .45 rounds to the range and I had one round fail to fire. It wasn't a weapon failure, there was a mark dead center on the primer from the firing pin...
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    North Sea crater..HUGE!!!

    Here is a link about a HUGE crater found at the botton of the North Sea. The crater that is famous in Arizona is "only" :eek: a mile wide. This one is 12 MILES WIDE!!! This may be what killed off those big lizards a few million years ago. What if it...
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    Terrorist training video

    This is pertty silly but it good for a laugh!!! ENJOY!!! :p :p :p
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    Iraq War Part II scenario's

    Amatuer General/Admiral Time!!!! Well, the invasion of Iraq is gonna happen sooner or later, but how and with what? What if the Saudi's and Kuwait don't play ball with us. Neither of them are being overly friendly with us despite all the oil we buy from them and the fact that the reason the...
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    New Tom Clancy book

    It's called "Red Rabbit" and it's the latest Tom Clancy novel which comes out sometime this August!!! This man can write a book. I love his stuff. This new one goes back in time a bit for the charater Jack Ryan. I think it takes place after "Patriot Games" (the terrorism story) but before "The...
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    Dirty Ammo?

    I went to the range today and I tried some factory reloaded ammo (Ultramax) with my .357 mag revolver. It was some lead round nose stuff that when fired left a HUGE cloud of stuff in the air with each round fired. The ventilation isn't so great at this indoor range and I know I was breathing...
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    AK-47 First Timer!!!!

    This is my first post in the rifle section of this forum. Gonna have to get myself a rifle and fix that!!! I took my Dad to the shooting range today for Fathers Day. We shot the two weapons I own, Kimber Custom 1911 and a Ruger SP101 .357 mag. revolver. He's been with me to the range about 10...
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    Interchangable parts?

    Could you take a WWI era 1911 and my modern Kimber Custom 1911, exchange parts and still have a working weapon? Not that I would do this of course but I'm just wonder how 1911 the current 1911's really are!!! They basically look alike on the outside but what about the "guts" inside the weapon...
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    Recoil spring?

    I just got a new recoil spring for my Kimber Custom today in the mail. I ordered it from the Kimber website. The thing is, when I compare it to the old spring, the new one is about an inch longer than the old one. Is this a problem? Did I use my old spring so much (6000+ rounds) that I...
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    I Emailed Kimber Mfg. and asked then if there is a Mr. Kimber who founded the company, if so, does this person have any involment in the current line of firearms today. Here is the reply I got: "Kimber's founder is Australian, born in a town in the south called "Kimba", which is an aboriginal...
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    Stupid ass

    Helloooo, Well, about 30 minutes ago I did the most stupid thing in my entire life. I had a negligent discharge as a result of alcohol consumption. Not a good combination. I know better. I'm only typing straight out of pure adrenaline that is still pumping through me. My ears are still ringing...
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    two bullets, one gun?

    Helloooooo!!! My new Ruger SP101 revolver can fire both the .357 mag and the .38 spl. How is this possible? I always thought guns were custom made for ONE type of bullet. What makes my new revolver any different? :confused: :confused: :confused:
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    What else...?

    Helloooooooooo!!! I am a novice when it comes to revolvers so this may be a silly question. I'm pretty sure revolvers have been more or less the same in basic design for over 100 years now. One might say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." or "Why mess with a good thing." but what else can be...
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    The next legend?

    Hellooooooooooo!!! Well, the 1911 has earned itself a great and long history of reliability and power. The weapon really hasn't changed hardly at all in over 90 years now. Question is, will any of todays current weapons also have this same legacy? Will a H&K USP be virtually the same 100...