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  1. S

    CA: What happens when your HSC expires?

    I asked this question on another thread but didn't get any hits. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how will things be administered when the three years runs out. Since they will have all your pertinent info from your HSC application, will they just come and pick up your guns when...
  2. S

    Ruger Target Trigger?

    I just noticed on yzguy's website that the Ruger Mark II target trigger has an adjustment screw. It looks like an over-travel adjustment. Is there a source online that indicates how best to fiddle with this feature? I assume the receiver will have to be yanked off the frame to get at this little...
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    New Political Party: The Moral Democrats

    In light of the Dems’ current flailings, I think that I am going to start up a new political party. I’m going to call it the Moral Democrat Party. I figure right off the bat it will at least cause some cognitive dissonance among the remaining dems as they try to decide if they are particularly...
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    Redhawk Options

    Hi all, I am posting to get some opinions from you on what would be the most versatile setup for a Ruger Redhawk. I want something to carry when out in the woods, something to hunt pigs and deer with, something for long range pistol target shooting, and an all around handcannon for handloading...
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    California Countdown

    Hi Folks, New poster here, signing in. I would like to pose a question to the good people of this forum, specifically my fellow commrades in the liberal victim-rich utopia of Kalifornia. With a mere four or so months left before the Jan03 death knell of our rights, what are your last minute...