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  1. U

    Keep the message alive!

    You can just feel the "Chicago Machine" ramping up in President Obama. I expect a full court press to try to pressure our Senators and Congressmen into making bad deals on the National level, which will do little to help our cause on the state level. Keep the messages coming to our State and...
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    Sometime the best defense is a good offense

    Here is an example of a state being proactive to get ahead of the potential federal government invasion of our rights. I love it and wish we had a way to take the approach national. ================================================== A group of Wyoming lawmakers is pushing to preempt any...
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    Stay focused and take action!

    There have been a lot of posts on what is happening around us, and some of us have been very active in trying to influence the outcome. But what would happen if everyone was active? Most read posts, some respond, but it's like preaching to the choir. I must say that after reading messages...
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    +P Ammo for XDm

    Hi all, I just saw a thread on +P ammo, but had difficulty replying. So I am starting another thread with a question. I just bought a XDm 9mm and ordered ammo from SGAmmo. Got a good price, but am concerned it may not be right for my gun. The ammo is: 9mm NATO Winchester Ranger 124 grain...
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    We're hooked....

    I'm new to the forum and in owning a handgun. I Have always owned a rifle and shotgun, but never took the leap into handguns. Until now.... 2 months ago I bought my first pistol. Not knowing much about handguns, I went with what seemed to fit me best and had a good reputation, although...