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    US renounces world court treaty Critics say existing tribunals' powers must be extended The United States has withdrawn from a treaty to establish an International Criminal Court (ICC), provoking outrage from human rights organisations. In a letter...
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    IDF releases tape showing fake Palestinian funeral By Amos Harel, Ha'aretz Correspondent The IDF released a videotape Thursday showing the apparently staged funeral of a Palestinian in the Jenin refugee camp. The footage was...
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    Boys sneak in, but dad is charged May 1, 2002 BERKLEY - It was a thing that went bump in the night in Bill Kerr's home and now he's facing two assault charges because of it. Kerr got into a scuffle with two teenage boys after he discovered them...
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    Fund set up for men who confronted burglar Businessmen charged with 1st-degree murder for shooting intruder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: May 1, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Jon Dougherty © 2002
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    Alabama Chief Justice Stops All Jury Trials To Save Money By Phillip Rawls Associated Press Writer 4-30-2 MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - The Constitution guarantees the right to trial by jury, but that isn't stopping Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore from halting jury trials Monday to save money. Moore, known for...
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    Top Arab psychiatrist: 'Bush is stupid' Other diagnoses: Suicide bombing is great; 'We will throw Israel into the sea' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: April 30, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2002
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    World's Smallest Political Quiz

    My last post of the day...
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    Seven States Failing to Protect 'Right to Keep and Bear Arms,' Says Lawyer By Jim Burns Senior Staff Writer April 26, 2002 ( - Seven states do not have clauses in their constitutions allowing citizens the right to keep and bear arms, an attorney and research...
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    Gun store provides authentic antiques UNION CITY, Tenn. — Marco Kaltofen proudly re-enacts the Revolutionary War exploits of 170 men from his hometown of Natick, Mass. While the 18 members of his group muster only modest firepower, they consider...
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    The USA PATRIOT Act Six Months Later:
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    The Bill of Rights Imposes a Tax on Tyrants (poster)

    can be found here
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    NRA Takes Credit for Bush's Win 04/27/2002 6:44 PM EDT By SCOTT SONNER RENO, Nev. (AP) - National Rifle Association leaders took credit for President Bush's election Saturday, saying they're taking aim next at unseating gun control advocates in Congress and...
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    Flights From Reality

    Banned items list can be found here The government's dopey airplane carry-on bans. By Scott Shuger Posted Friday, April 26, 2002, at 3:35 PM PT On each leg of a recent plane trip I had items confiscated at airport security checkpoints. Going...
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    Top CIA official warns next terror attack unavoidable A top Central Intelligence Agency official has warned Americans that a new terrorist attack is unavoidable, despite all efforts to prevent it and the fact that the CIA is now "stealing more secrets" than ever. "Now for the hard truth. Despite the...
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    Axeman 'kills 10 members of family' The funerals of 10 members of the same family who were hacked to death have taken place in India. The funeral pyres burned in the village of Bhaga after a man allegedly killed most of his family with an axe. Lakhan Rai, 40, is facing multiple...
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    A Real American Terrorism Threat Warning (satire) From Real Americans Inside the FBI Published 04. 26. 02 at 13:46 Sierra Time We figured it was time that someone in the government was honest with you. After the last warning that terrorists may attack shopping centers and supermarkets, a...
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    Schools teach despair, pupils learn violence Regarding "Memorial to Columbine held to highlight dangers of guns" (The Star, April 21), I am perplexed by the popular usage of the term "gun violence." Violence is violence regardless of the tool or method employed by the perpetrator. Why...
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    Addressing The Growing Dependence On Government\Politics\archive\200204\POL20020425a.html Capitol Hill ( - A Republican congressman says Americans are too dependent on government, and politicians are taking advantage of it. Rep. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). this week addressed a Heritage...
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    German Gun Law Primer -- The recent school shooting in Germany has undoubtedly left that country shocked and numb; certainly I am saddened by the tragic deaths of 14 teachers, 2 students, and a police officer at the hands of a...
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    Leftist Media's 'Plan to Slam Bush, GOP' The media establishment keeps trying to deny its blatant left-wing bias, but those pesky facts keep getting in the way. Two new examples offer even more proof of this reality. Effort at CNN to Attack the President "Oops! The...