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  1. S

    Gunrag Writers/Editors have no shame.

    In the June issue of Shooting Times magazine, there is a 'review' of the Browning Stainless Stalker with carbon-fiber laminated barrel. The subheadline of the article, written by Rick Jamison, who has the title of 'Reloading/Rifles Editor' of the magazine, is: "Rick gives Browning's new...
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    It was my birthday present to myself...

    ...the renewal for another four years of my CCW. My state is a 'shall issue', 'twenty bucks for four years' one. They don't ask you what guns you have or how many. And with the CCW I can buy firearms without the NICS check. Worth the small amount of trouble to get it. Yeah, I know that it's de...
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    S&W 624 - How Old is it?

    My shooting pard has come across an S&W 624, 6-1/2" bbl, SN AHB09xx. It has the ribbed skinny barrel, no pin. Can anyone tell me how old? How many? Special run?
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    CBS and Rather, At it Again!

    Tonite's CBS Evening News (sic) with Dan Rather contained the first of a two-part self-styled '...hard news report' which claimed that one of the most fanatical voter blocs... a '...single issue' America's '...minority' of gun owners. In an apparent effort to depict the 'average' gun...
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    History Channel-Mauser-Unsafe Gun Handling

    Last night I saw a rerun of the History Channel's 'Tales of the Gun'...subject: The history of the Mauser Company and its rifles and handguns. The so-called 'expert commentators' showed astonishingly bad gun handling, displaying and loading the Mauser and Luger pistols with fingers deeply...
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    Second Amendment Sisters vs. MMM

    Apologies if this URL has been posted here before, but I didn't want you all to miss the chance to sign the SAS petition. Go to this web site: Leave a succinct comment, if you desire. --slabsides ------------------ If they take our guns, I...
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    Leno on Preachers with Guns

    Last night on the Tonite Show on NBC, Jay Leno made one of his monologue subjects the recent enactment of the Kentucky law that permits clergymen to carry under their robes (presumeably in church.) He pointed out that '...if you have to shoot at your congregation, you aren't reaching them the...
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    Maryland Governor on CSpan

    This morning (Fri. 4/7/Y2K) Parris Glendenning of Maryland was guest on CSpan. Call-ins and e-mails were uniformly pro-gun. He kept harping on 'child safety' and the fact that 'although many guns won't have locks for a long time, eventually, all guns will only be able to be used by the owners'...
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    Microsoft Encarta Interprets the 2nd Amendment?

    I was told today that the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, which is bundled with the standard software package of many PC's, has a creative interpretation of the 2nd Amendment in it's Bill of Rights summmary, stating in essence that the 2nd ensures the right of the States to have National Guard...
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    Maryland Standoff/Managed News

    On both NBC and CNN, heavy coverage of a hostage-taking in Maryland this AM. Not an unusual event (happens in my rural state several times a year) that's usually resolved reasonably. However here we see emphasis on 'man with a gun'. It's hard not to see a media/govt. conspiracy or collusion in...
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    Outlaw Guns? Heck no! Outlaw Bicycles!!!

    When we become involved in a 'discussion' with anti's, they often try to make the point that guns are dangerous, with many accidental shootings, and that you don't 'need' a gun. I suggest that we ask them if they or anyone in their family own a bicycle. Here are some statistics from national...
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    Musings on the CBS 'Fifty Caliber Sniper Rifle' Report, 1-25-00.

    Musing on the CBS Evening News report on those 'dreadful Fifty-Caliber Sniper Rifles', I noted how promininently the report displayed the huge cartridges; and looked forward to the time when 'dreadful Thirty-Caliber sniper rifles that can shoot through concrete block and manhole covers' will be...
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    Running Deer Target Set-Up?

    A group of friends want to construct a running deer target set-up. Does anyone have any links to a source of plans/specs to build a running deer rig? Any help greatly appreciated. slabsides (also posted on the Rifle forum)
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    Running Deer Targets

    A group of friends want to construct a running deer target set-up. Does anyone have any links to a source of plans/specs to build a running deer rig? Any help greatly appreciated. slabsides
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    I understand that I may have given unintentional offense to our younger forum members in my post on the 'over 55' thread. One problem about getting old...your aim isn't as good as it used to be. Guess this time I, like Hamlet "...shot my arrow over the house and hit my brother." My sincere...
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    Four lives: 25 years

    The plea bargain that young mass murderer Kip Kinkle signed the other day gives him six years and three months of guaranteed incarceration for each of the four human lives he blotted out. Nice to know that's what our judiciary thinks we are worth! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Am I the only one who regrets...
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    Trivia: GoodGuy/BadGuy Guns

    Ever notice how styles in weaponry change in movies/TV? When I was a kid, the bad guys, if they were eastern big-town American gangsters, all used Colt Police Positive revolvers, which they carried without holsters in an inside coat pocket. Simpering lounge lizard murderers favored Colt .32...
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    What have you read that influenced you?

    Reading over some older posts, including Futo Inu's 'Pleasure Reading' and I bethought me of things I had read, that influenced me, alone of my family, to become an 'armed man'. I loved science fiction as a kid (still do) and I just remembered that the VERY FIRST thing I ever read on the right...
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    Al Gore - Manchurian Candidate

    I love that handle. Lets' pick up on it, and spread it not only throughout this board through the election time, but on every forum and in every context in which Gore's name is mentioned. Gore: The Manchurian Candidate: "Oh yes, while you're in China picking up those illegal contributions, Al...