Search results

  1. E

    Vang Comp'd Mossberg 590A1

    If you've been thinking of getting one of these, now's the time to do it. I just talked to Mr Vang; he's purchased a large quantity of the 18.5in. 6-shot Mil-spec 590A1 and they're priced to move. BTW, I took mine to an indoor range the other day; I didn't even notice...
  2. E

    Support RKBA Advertising!!!

    Hey, check this out - - they have radio ads ready to air (which you may hear at their site), they just need $$$ They plan to do other media as well. Spread the word!
  3. E

    Animal Farm

    OK, I just saw the TNT production of Animal Farm. I've been told that each of the major characters represents a real-life person. Clearly, Napoleon the Pig is Clinton, and the Rottweiler is Janet Reno. I suppose that Squealer is Algore. Anybody want to fill in the rest of the cast? ;)
  4. E

    No More Gun Laws (editorial)
  5. E

    Western States 1999 Round Up - Final Chapter

    OK, we're in the home stretch, please see for the details. Le thread originale is at
  6. E

    staff mail address

    I tried to send mail to: But got: Host unknown (Name server: host not found)
  7. E

    MGM Tagets - Awesome Service!

    I called MGM - - on Monday to order some steel-plate auto poppers. Here it is Wednesday, and I have them already!
  8. E

    Brooks Tactical "AGrip"

    Anybody have a source for AGrip from Brooks Tactical - ? I just want to get a sheet or two, not a pre-cut kit.
  9. E

    enumerated lists

    Hmm, I posted this a few days ago, but got no response. Are enumerated lists working? I tried the format in the FAQ: [list type=1] <LI> sleepy <LI> grumpy <LI> doc [/list] But did not get the expected results.
  10. E

    CNN vote - How are you affected by JFK Jr.

    Latest CNN quick vote is: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> How much does the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. affect you emotionally?
  11. E

    lettered and numbered lists

    The bulletted list is working, but I just tried numbered for the first time: [list type=1] <LI> sleepy <LI> grumpy <LI> doc [/list] [This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 17, 1999).]
  12. E

    replacing pistol grip

    You've probably already felt the disturbance in the force. The California legislature has made up an arbitrary definition of "assault weapon", and decreed that those currently in possession must be registered. It will no longer be legal to sell them in CA. Anyway, in their infinite wisdom, they...
  13. E

    Single-shot forum?

    Have you considered having a single-shot forum? I've been getting interested in single-shots lately. There are all sorts of areas that differentiate single-shots: <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>single-shot handguns can have very long barrels without being too heavy <LI>single-shot carbines/rifles can...
  14. E

    Western States TFL Round Up - Part Deux

    Please see the original thread for background if needed. What: <BLINK>a shootin' get together!</BLINK> When: the last weekend in August, 1999! (Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th) Where: Carson City/Reno, Nevada! Carson...
  15. E

    Another Shooting Range Shooting

    You won't have any trouble verifying this one. Last night at National Shooting Club Range - - in Santa Clara CA, some nut case apparently tried to commit suicide by range employee. I don't have all of the details yet, but according to what I heard on the radio, a man rented a...
  16. E

    Bullpup kit for Ruger PC9

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question... does anyone know of a bullpup kit for the Ruger PC9 "police carbine"? [This message has been edited by Ewok (edited June 28, 1999).]