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  1. F

    reverse backup gun approach

    Hello! I haven't been on here in years (2012 to be exact). I had a different course of action come in to my head and wanted to see what you guys thought. The jframe revolver inside the pocket is quicker than any other mode of concealed carry except for OWB. With the warmer months approaching...
  2. F

    do you need a BUG? I do.

    I am one of those better to have it and not need it kind of people. But I was thinking about losing the BUG, maybe carry a knife instead, but that sounds like it could be a insufficient backup. I currently carry a m85 as a backup, but I may never need it. What are some of your opinions about...
  3. F

    trying to simulate adrenaline effects while shooting, any ideas

    It was an idea my cousin and I came up with, we tried taking our atvs on a hard ride out to the field where we shoot. It got the adrenaline going good which did effect our performance, riding like that is dangerous. Anybody got ideas that are less dangerous?
  4. F

    weapon manipulation: is it second nature for you?

    One of the first things we learn when shooting is how the firearm operates, hopefully before taking a shot. But as I was taught, if you can't clear a jam, or reload while keeping your eyes on target, then you need to practice. This goes for semis and wheelguns. My thought was how will I be...
  5. F

    Why carry compact?

    I am a 5'8" 176lbs man. I used to carry a subcompact xd 9mm, and a glock 26. One day my cousin brought a g17 to the field and let me shoot it. In one day with the g17, I was shooting the same grouping at 50yds that I consistently shoot at 30yds with my g26. We traded guns for the day and I...