Search results

  1. M

    How many evil features on a bolt action?

    I know for "assault weapons" there is only 1 evil feature allowed on the gun here in CA. But i was wondering how many evil features can you have on a bolt action rifle. My thought was that I wanted to put a flash hider on a Blaser. A Blaser however has a detachable mag (10rds). Can someone...
  2. M

    Does SB23 affect .22lr assualt weapons?

    I know that in CA the SB23 law affects centerfire semi rifles.. but will it affect .22lr AR15 type rifles, and 10/22's?
  3. M ***?

    Hey is it me, or is anyone else having problems getting in? I can get to the menu, but once I select a discussion it doesn't connect. I'm getting shakes... need my
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    Tikka Sporter Rifles

    Any opinions on these? Saw one at a gun shop. Fondled it, it seemed nice, and the salesman said it was a tack driver. Is there any truth to this?
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    What spotting scope do you use?

    I'm in the market for a spotting scope since I found out today I can barely see anything with a stupid pair of binoculars. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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    Remington 40X

    What is the difference between the Remington 700 models and the Remington 40X? I saw the Remington 40X at a show and the rifle was 2x the price of the top of the line Remington 700. What makes it worth so much?
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    Ruger 77/22 - opinions?

    Is this a good shooter? Worth the additional $250 above a 10/22? Is it also heavily customized?
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    Best cheap bolt action rifle in .22lr

    Just as the header says, I was wondering what the best cheap yet accurate bolt action rifles there were. I was looking at Ruger, but their .22lr bolt action was in the $450 range. Does anyone have experience with the bolt action Savages, Marlins, or others?
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    Armament Techonogy

    I was looking around Sniper Country, and many seemed to regard the Amament Tech Tactical Rifle very highly. Has anyone shot one, know where to get one, and how much they cost?
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    Sig Sauer SSG 3000

    I was looking around and saw this cool looking rifle on the sigarms page. Does anyone know anything about it, and if it's available for civilian purchase? ------------------ You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch...
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    New rifle finish?

    I am working on an AR-15 space gun and was wondering where was a good place to get a "trick" looking finish. I was interested in something that could be crazy looking yet durable. ------------------ You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker...
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    Best AR-15 scope and mount - part II kinda...

    I just bought one of them JP custom rifles, and wanted a really nice scope to really maximize the precision of the rifle. I will be shooting out in the 100-300 yrd range.. at mostly targets for now. My price range is anything under $800 for the entire rig including a mounting system. So...
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    Pomona Gunshow on Fri

    Hey, does anyone out there know how to get there and what time it runs at on Friday? I'm coming from Riverside. Thanks!
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    Where to find a bolt carrier assembly??

    I was all ready to order a custom NRA Match Rifle from JP Enterprises, and then they tell me that they are out of bolt carrier assemblies.. and the wait is 3 months!!! Ahhhhhh!!! I want my AR!! Anyhow, I was wondering where to get a quality bolt carrier assembly. I heard the Fulton Armory...
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    What is a Space Gun???

    I was looking over the Compass Lake Engineering website and noticed that they offered "space gun" uppers. What exactly is a space gun? Is it meant to be placed on a ar15 lower? Also, what are the opinions out there on the Compass Lake Engineering guns? Are they worth the $1000 or so...
  16. M

    Bushmaster - DPMS - or other???

    I was almost set on getting a Bushmaster, and then I took a look over at the DPMS page. They have a cool looking rifle with some goodies, and a priceline running close to Bushmaster. Does anyone have experience with DPMS? PRO's or CONS.. I'm looking for something accurate out of the box...
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    Just got my new shotgun today with crap all over it

    I just got my new Rem 870P. I was impressed with the walnut stock, but unfortunately it came from the factory with all this white powder s**t all over the barrel and receiver. I'm having a helluva time trying to get it off. I almost wasted 1/2 bottle of solvent. Anyone dealt with the same...
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    Which Bushmaster to buy?

    I am getting a AR-15, and was wondering which model Bushmaster (excluding DCM) would be best for accuracy? (I am not into the use of the weapon for defense). I was considering the Dissapator or V-Match. I was curious what the difference was between the two. The only difference I could spot...
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    No more AR-15's.. Say it ain't so!!!

    I went to a gunshop today in CA and they said that after this month, AR-15's are no longer available for sale! I know some kind of crime or gun bill passed, but I had previously though I had till the end of the year to save up for an AR-15. Guess I might have to go credit... Can anyone...
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    Any experiences with Hogue Compstock?

    I was thinking of getting the Hogue Compstock for my 870 that I saw advertised in thier catalog. I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on them, or knew someone else that used one. They retail in the catalog for about $140. ------------------ You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a...