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  1. R

    The S&W Shield in .45acp

    Does anyone have much interest in the new S&W Shield in .45acp? The new model is supposed to be hitting the stores now (June, 2016). I am sorely tempted to get one. Not much bigger than the Shield in 9mm or .40; 6+1 or 7+1 magazines...
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    Full Sized Pistol IWB w/N82 Tactical

    I had been carrying a Bersa Thunder 380 CC IWB in a N82 Tactical holster for the past several months. I found the N82 to be the most comfortable IWB holster I have ever used and have been extremely happy with the comfort and concealment of this holster. Whether going on long walks, driving or...
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    Jessie Jackson Claims Semi-autos Can Blow Up Railroads

    There are people, who actually believe such claims. For the anti-Second Amendment crowd, it's about disinformation. It is up to us to keep telling the truth.
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    A Note of Caution From My Favorite LGS

    This following note appeared in an advertisement from my favorite LGS, one that has been in business for 28 years and has always offered fair prices and good service: It appears that Feinstien's bill will not make it through either house to become law, as it is currently written. I was hoping...
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    Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials Why am I not surprised. It will be OK for Queen Diane Feinstein to protect herself, her family and property; but not for her serfs and subjects.
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    Feinstein's List of Weapons to be Banned

    If I understand correctly, we will be able to keep what we already own, but will have to register our "banned" firearms with the federal government. Don't be surprised if the federal government demands possession upon the gun owner's death...
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    A National Gun Buy Back Program?

    It appears our esteemed legislature may be headed in the direction of Australian gun control, implemented there some 17 years ago. For those of you who keep saying we have nothing to worry about...are you still feeling so confident now?
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    Do These Mass Shootings Really Only Happen in America?

    The Top Five Worst Gun (Single Shooter) Mass Shootings: 1) Anders Breivik Norway 7/22/2011 77 killed, 151 wounded. 2) Woo Bum-Kon S. Korea 4/26/1982 57 killed, 35 wounded. 3) Martin Bryant Australia 4/28/1996 35 killed, 21 wounded. 4) Seung-Hui Cho USA...
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    Democrats Vow to Push for Gun Control Most of us knew this was coming. The anti-Second Amendment crowd was waiting for the right moment and that moment has finally arrived. The bodies of the victims had not yet been removed from...
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    Bob Costas

    A few nights ago on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell show, Bob Costas said that young men can't own guns "without something bad happening" and that he "favors more comprehensive gun control legislation." Although Costas seemed to back track after his initial statements about guns during the halftime...
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    9MM 124 +P vs 147 gr standard pressure

    Several 9 mm pistol owners I know claim it is best to use the 9mm 124 gr +P rounds during the warm months and the 147 gr standard pressure rounds during the winter months, when a bad guy may be wearing a heavy winter coat. Any thoughts from 9 mm owners as to whether this thinking has any merit...
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    2012 Election and Rules for L&CR

    Moderators Note: Read through to post #13, before you decide to reply to this thread. Al Norris. There are many of us who are concerned about what the aftermath of last night's election means for gun owners and the Second Amendment. I've already seen two threads closed because the moderators...
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    Time to Start an Argument

    Last year there was a decent movie out called "The Grey" with Liam Neeson. It's about a hunter (Neeson) who is contracted by an oil company to protect oil workers from predators at a remote drilling site. Long story short; when the crew is flying home, the plane crashes and the story line...
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    Kahr FTF Issues

    I purchased a Kahr CW 45 this past April with high expectations of a quality firearm at an economical price point. My initial impressions of the CW 45 were quite good. I put 200 rounds of ammo through the CW 45, as recommended for the break-in period by the manufacturer. The CW 45 worked...