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  1. A

    Savage M19 NRA (Pre 1934)

    Help!!! I own a beautiful Model 19 NRA rifle but my father (or grand-father) has lost the rear sight. It currently wears a Weaver M330C scope, so it still is taking sm. game but, I would like to remove this scope and use the peep sights that the rifle came with. I have contacted EVERY parts...
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    Filler. Yes,no? Why bother?

    I was talking to a friend who also rolls his own and the use of "filler" to top off and hold the powder in place in a cartridge came up. He had only limited knowledge on the subject and I know how to spell "filler". So, what is the poop on the use of a filler? What sort of material can /...
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    Where did HiTech Ammo's web site go?

    I just tryed to bring up HiTech's site and got the message below. The requested URL /~rbeck/hitech/ was not found on this server. Anyone know where they went? ------------------ Abe If everyone thought like me, I'd be a damn fool to think any different!
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    Warning about LC .30 carbine brass

    I've posted this on Tom Bowers board in response to a string there and thought it should be posted here as well. I purchased a 1000 of the LC .30 carbine surplus brass from Wideners. The amount of work that was needed to get these cases into loadable condition was DEFINITELY NOT worth the...
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    Another Gun Poll...

    The site below is another gun poll. The question is whether guns should be banned, totally. So, once again, go to the site and clink on the appropriate icon. Abe ------------------ Abe If everyone thought like me, I'd be a damn fool to think any different!
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    NC gun owners please read...

    Please go to the Grass Roots North Carolina site and check out the alert on HB 1275 dated 7-1-99. Then call, write and e-mail your legislators A.S.A.P. time is short on this one! Thanks, Abe ------------------ If everyone thought like me, I'd be a damn fool to think any different!
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    The happy medium between match benchrest

    I found the post below on Tom Bowers board, and it's one of those questions I've been itching to ask but just haven't been able to put it quite as well as this guy Marky Mark. Hi, guys. I'm looking for the happy medium between match benchrest reloading (super attention to every detail) and...
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    Urgent; Asset Forfeiture Reform.

    Please see the post on the Legal and Political board, posted Urgent; Asset Forfeiture Reform. Thanks to all for their time and efforts on this matter. Abe Hopefully, below is a link to the L&P board.
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    URGENT; Asset Forfeiture Reform

    I received this in today's e-mail. Please let your Congressional rep know what you think about this matter. (A.S.A.P. as time is short) Abe --------------------------------------------- Subject: Asset Forfeiture Reform relevant to tagnet As most of you know, asset forfeiture laws have...
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    Brazil pushing for total firearms ban

    I heard on National Propaganga Radio news this evening that Brazil is trying to push through a total ban on private ownership of all firearms. They said that "a poll taken recently" shows that 85% of the population is in favor. Although the areas outside the large cities were not as likely to...
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    LC-52 or 53 .30 Carbine brass

    Has anyone else out there purchased the over crimped LC-52 surplus brass from Wideners? Any problems shooting it? IMHO I thought the pain in the backside factor getting it ready to load was twice as high as the savings of the reduced price would justify. Knowing what I know now I'd spend the...
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    The best joke I know. SOME WILL BE OFENDED!

    It was during the dark days of WWII that a regular GI came bounding across a battlefield. Taking cover in one foxhole after another, with all the horrors of war trying to stop him, he was duty bound to get the message back to HQ. As he dived headfirst into a hole he saw that it was occupied...
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    Standard Deviation how important is it?

    I picked up a chronograph just long ago enough to run my first good series of tests. What I'm finding is that with the pistol calibers I can get the s.d. down in the 6.0 to 10.0 range with little or no problem. But as the caliber go's up so does the s.d. My .223 is around 9.0 to 15.0, my .308 is...
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    How do I removing tar sealant from cases

    How in the h$#% do I remove the tar sealant from around inside the case mouth of the demiled cases I just got in? I would prefer not to have to use a brush on each and every case as I'd be cleaning these cases for most of the rest of this century. Is there a way to do this as a batch cleaning...