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  1. G

    Trying to identify an unusual M16 flash hider

    Instead of the normal "birdcage" with 6 or 5 slots, it has four pairs of round holes, with the holes' axis angled forward. Looks like the one on Minimi Para, but the holes are in pairs, not in triplets. All in all, it looks like this: Anyone got any idea what it is?
  2. G

    Been digging through old stuff on my HD, found a funny pic

    Drawn by Cyril van der Haegen, lead artist for Asheron's Call at the time:
  3. G

    Something that CNN will never show...

    ...but we live with, constantly. Link. Warning: not happy pictures.
  4. G

    The future of mideast peace process?

    Peace at Last. Peace at Last. by Steven Plaut It was in the year 2006. The Israelis at long gave up their attempts to resist the pressures of the world. They elected a new government headed by Prime Minister Yossi Beilin, the original promoter of the Oslo Peace Process, in coalition...
  5. G

    The future of small arms

    Where do you think it will go? I'm thinking that with advancement in energy storage, there will be more electrically-fired designs, progressing to electrically-actuated, and then to electromagic accelerators. Directed energy weapons are a possibility, and have their niche, but I don't think it's...
  6. G

    History question about the Browning M1919

    I'm new to this forum, so some background: I'm currently active duty in Israel Defense Forces, Air Force. I've trained with M16A1/M203, FN MAG, 52mm mortar, and hand grenades (training level 03). I've also been digging into firearms history for the last year. Here's the question. There's a...