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  1. E

    Am i weird?

    Im around alot of non gun people not necessarily anti gun they just dont much see the point in having guns. And today my co workers asked something to the extent of do I sleep with a gun? I said well yea I have a gun or two next to me at night. Also, because of placement of things in my room I...
  2. E

    trigger problem?

    so my problem is that sometimes the bolt on my rpk isnt catching the next round when it pushes forward. it doesnt happen everytime but its happening often enough to get kind of annoying, when i pull the bolt back it rubs against the hammer alot, so is it possible the trigger is holding the...
  3. E

    which one??

    so im really wanting a revolver ive always loved function the reliablity and the simplicity of revolvers the only problem i can see concerning them is that i do not own one yet. im looking for just the right one to be my first i dont have much of a specific purpose for it other than i want it...
  4. E

    gun, magazine or ammo?

    so i picked up a yugoslvian rpk not to long ago :D , i went out to shoot it for the first time, i load it up pull the trigger bang, i pull the trigger again and click :confused: . i look and the case is stuck. i open it up and the bolt is stuck on the case so i use a knife to release it it...