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  1. T

    Its crazy gun quote time....

    Here's mine... "Yeah I believe in gun control! I use both hands!" yep, I'm bored......
  2. T

    any cheap M44's on sale in L.A.?

    Big 5 was advertising them for like 50 bucks, but I haven't seen any in stores... Anyone seen any or know of someplace selling them for approx the same price? I figure something like this will be fun for a fixer-upper, and if I totally screw up, heck, its 50 bucks. :)
  3. T

    thinking of maybe getting a .357

    I've fired a colt python and a Ruger GP100 so far and liked them both. Both had 6" barrels... Any tips for others I should try or any other tips in general. Thanks....
  4. T

    I have tiny hands!!!

    So I can grip revolvers better than autos.... I can barely hold a USP.... Anyway, have any tips as to what I should try for automatics? Or just go with the .357 magnum?
  5. T

    anyone read this week's Entertainment Weekly?

    There's a picture in there with Ozzy Osborne and his kids, and his son is posing with a rifle. What rifle is it? Looks kinda like a Garand, but I'm not sure... anyway, just wondering....
  6. T

    For LEO's out there...

    I was wondering, what are your handgun scoring requirements for general officers? Just wondering to see how I'd compare, or rather, how much I suck... :) Or to really see how much I suck, how about for SWAT and rifle scoring standards for SWAT snipers...? Anyway, just wondering. Thanks.
  7. T

    What the biggest thing anyone CCW's

    Having a single shot .45 Derringer on your ankle is easy. What's the most massive thing you can conceal, and how the hell do you do it (as long as its not some secret and you'll have to kill us after you tell us)? Unless of course you live in Alaska and keep your .44 Magnum and Naginata...
  8. T

    Yoda loves Black Powder

    What kind of guns would you figure Star Wars characters would mess around with when they're bored with their light sabers? I figure..... Yoda would use some ancient Black Powder Musket .... he learned how to use it when he was a kid.... Anakin Skywalker - Something loaded with Black Talons...
  9. T

    in your opinion....

    What's the best CQB weapon that someone in america could get? so don't say an MP5 or Thompson or something like that. Although I bet I could actually hit something with one of those....:p
  10. T

    Convince Rysai to enter contests!

    I know he reads this, so you guys have to help convince him. He's a natural at shooting handguns. For example, last week I suggested shooting left handed. So what does he do? First shot at 25 feet.... bullseye. Note-he's never shot left handed before in his life. The rest of his shots...
  11. T

    Shooting Tips

    Yep, I'm a rookie shooter. For some strange reason, I shoot amazingly better with the old style one-hander grip compared to the standard weaver stance. Any ideas as to why or should I just keep with the one-hand stance? Thanks.