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  1. L

    Ching Sling Giveaway at the Scout Rifle Forum

    All, I'll be giving away a Ching Sling in the next few days over at the Scout Rifle forum. Link: Regards, Andy
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    Ruger Scout Rifle Looks pretty nice! Andy
  3. L

    Rifle Sling Giveaway at the Scout Forum

    The February drawing for a rifle sling will be drawn on Valentines Day over at the Scout Rifle Forum. Stop in, sign up! Regards, Andy Moderator
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    Coach Gun Ammo Cuffs

    I just made a couple of these for some avid Coach Gun shooters, some 2 by 2 ammo cuffs. Photos here: Andy
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    Gents, I just got done making some holsters for the Judge, I'll report back with some downrange experiences with this revolver. Interesting piece for sure! Photos and such! Andy
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    Tikka T3 Range Report

    Link to full report w/photos: Tikka T3 30.06 (wood stock) This gun was picked up as a “model” for my new line of walnut bridle leather slings, shown with the optional duracoat quick adjust buckle! The wood looks GREAT with the new leather...
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    Scout Rifle Forum, Give Aways!

    All, I just added a few more give aways of slings at the Scout Rifle Forum, come visit: 3 July Freebies: 1.25" black leather sling, 2 synthetic Ching Slings. Andy
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    Monthly Rifle Leather Giveaway at Scout Forum

    Gents, I am doing a drawing for rifle leather over at the Scout Rifle Forum: Only a few days for the give away of a Brown Ching Sling, (and a lefty ammo cuff). July has two drawings, one on the 4th and then at the end of the month, a contractor/DMR sling and a black bridle sling. Come on...
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    Scout Rifle Forum

    Gents, I put together a forum for the Scout Rifle a couple of weeks back: Andy
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    New Hampshire, Armed Society Training 30jan-01feb

    Gents, A quick post to put the word out on the Armed Society Summit Meeting in Southern NH. Jan 30 and Feb 1 2009 Southnarc-Managing Unwanted Confrontations Pincus-Threat Focused Shooting Sotis-Knives Gomez-Enhancements to the presentation Fry-Carbine Combatives Conti-New Paradigm of police...
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    Jeff Cooper Books, 2 thumbs up!

    Cooper Books Sometimes trips to the post office are worth it! Today brought me a box of books, COOPER books! THE EARLY JEFF COOPER COLLECTION Custom Rifles, Fighting Handguns, Guns of the Old West, & Handguns Afield all by Jeff Cooper Purloined from the gents at Paladin Press Link to...
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    Feb 08, Leather Article, Holsters/slings

    Hey... That's me that you guys are talking about! Thanks for the good words Flint! Andy