Search results

  1. K

    How do you guys like the S&W M&P15-22?

    Seems to have great reviews. Any cons? Do they all come with the flash hider (looks so cool lol)? Best place to buy one?
  2. K

    Should I be ok with this? (CZ SP-01)

    So I finally took apart my CZ SP-01 to clean it (took a while to get the cleaning stuff in :P), and noticed a few imperfections. The first one seems inconsequential and nitpicky, and I dont think #2 is actually anything, but #3 seems not right. I apologize in advance for the bad pictures. The...
  3. K

    Do elections have any influence on ammo prices?

    Will ammo get more expensive since the president will be re-elected? I'm not trying to troll, but I just got into firearms and just bought my first one, so I don't know how elections influence ammo prices. Thanks!
  4. K

    How bad does Ballistol smell?

    I want to order this stuff because I hear it's awesome, but if it really smells bad and leaves the gun smelling bad, I'd prefer not to and will just get some Frog Lube. Frog Lube is just soooo expensive. I basically am trying to choose between these two because they're non-toxic CLPs.
  5. K

    What kind of grease do you guys use for your metal guns?

    Anyone have any favorites? Links are always nice. Thanks!
  6. K

    Ordered my first gun!

    CZ SP-01! Thanks a lot for putting up with my trillions of questions while I was trying to figure out what I wanted! I should get it in a few days, ill post pictures and impressions then! Appreciate it everyone! Update: theres still grease and stuff on it because I have no cleaner yet, lol...
  7. K

    Do polished nickel and polished stainless handguns look the same?

    Aesthetically speaking, they're identical, right?
  8. K

    At what point does a handgun become "too heavy"?

    Does it even matter if its for range use only? Gonna buy a CZ SP-01 and am slightly concerned about the weight.
  9. K

    CZ 75 SP-01 vs P-01

    Which should I get? I held the P-01 at the gun show and it was literally perfect. I went in wanting to also try the SP-01, but none were there. Do the SP-01 and P-01 have the exact same grip dimensions? Is the P-01 harder to modify (i know CZs that have decockers are considered harder to...
  10. K

    How do you guys like the CZ 75B SA?

    Anything I should be aware of? Pros/cons? Interestingly, it seems its the only CZ that has the slide rail running the entire length of the gun...any ideas why? Thanks!
  11. K

    Anyone ever purchased from Bud's Gun Shop?

    How was your experience? I want to buy from there but they have shockingly horrible reviews on :eek: Also, has anyone ever used their 0% financing credit card option? If so, how did you like it? Seems like a nice way to pay off a purchase over a period of time. Thanks!
  12. K

    How heavy does a handgun have to be before you start feeling fatigue?

    Figured I'd ask ye experienced shooters out of curiosity, and because of the fact I'm getting a handgun thats 42.2 ounces (2.64 lbs) with the magazine (unloaded I think) and was wondering if that much weight would make me tired. I understand each person is different so I'd like to get input from...
  13. K

    Boresnake vs. bore brush

    Which is better?! YOU decide! :D
  14. K

    What's the best CLP?

    I see everyone recommending all these different kinds and I was wondering what's the best one. I know Breakfree CLP is the most widely used, but it seems most people dont consider it the best CLP. Thanks!
  15. K

    Is Breakfree CLP really sufficient?

    It just seems too...easy. How do you guys feel about this product?
  16. K

    How horrible is the stock CZ 75B trigger?

    I'm strongly considering buying a CZ 75B but am holding back because of the trigger. I hear it's a great gun, but without trigger work from a third party, the trigger has a ridiculously long reset, gritty, etc. Any advice you guys can offer for someone who wants this as a first gun but doesn't...
  17. K

    Any of you bought a gun without holding/testing it out beforehand?

    So I really want to buy a gun (Sig P226 Elite Stainless), but I don't really have enough time (and I'm kind of lazy lol) to go check it out (and I missed the gun show). I don't need it immediately, so I'm gonna try and get a hold of it before I buy, but I've been wanting this gun for a while and...
  18. K

    Why are Hogue G-10 grips so expensive?

    They're like $100+ for p226 grips. What makes them so freakin expensive?
  19. K

    Does the manufacure date of a gun matter?

    Should I try to get a gun with the newest manufacture date I can, or is it not really important/doesnt matter at all? Is a few months difference a big deal? For example, I can get a new stainless elite p226 with a really recent manufacture date if i wait a bit (out of stock at the site I...
  20. K

    Internal or external extractor--does it matter?

    Every now and then I see someone saying they got so and so extractor before/after sig switched (did they switch? I'm specifically interested in the stainless elite p226) and how happy they are or aren't. Does any of this matter? Can anyone explain this to me, a noob, please? Thanks!