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    Officer involved shooting of person carrying legally. I couldn't find any threads on this but I found numerous articles including the NY times. Does anyone have any information on this? My main questions are did he have a CCP or was...
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    Another case of taking self defense past the bounds of the law? It appears that the homeowner may be charged with a crime because of this shooting. The implication that the homeowner fired at someone who was at the time, A)...
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    Why do we still like and trust SA revolvers so much?

    While I was commenting on another thread about SA revolvers I was struck by how many of us still would choose them first in a situation that a large magazine capacity and or the ability for a quick reload weren't likely to be needed. Most of the parts of this design were developed in the mid...
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    Gun safe in child's room - Rob Pincus

    One of our members has managed to tick off the anti's with a suggestion again. Congratulations Rob. :) The specific piece of advice that's a problem seems to be...
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    Gun Ownership Poll Accuracy

    Folks, we've seen a lot of posts and threads about the accuracy of studies saying gun ownership is decreasing. First a few points from a man who used to take medical studies apart for a living. If you ask someone whether they own a gun and they answer yes you have not established whether they...
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    New Colorado Gun bill bans standard pump shotguns

    Here are a couple of links describing a new bill being introduced in the Colorado State Senate.
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    Examples of 2A advocacy that worked

    Okay folks, more than one thread recently has talked about "nothing I'm doing is working", I'm even guilty of it myself. How about we get that out of our system, and start deliberately copying any strategy that is having success? I've had limited success helping people understand that...
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    President shooting skeet (kinda,maybe,perhaps)

    Okay lets take a look at the picture of our President shooting skeet. Notice where the stock is in relation to his shoulder, what do you think bruises after the first shot or would it take a...
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    Philadelphia paper gun incident

    It's happened again, some school official idiot has terrified and persecuted a child over something harmless that resembles a gun. Aren't there laws to prosecute...
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    RKBA facts thread, feel free to add to it!

    There is a misquote from Hitler running around on the internet. "In order to conquer a country, you must first disarm its citizens." This does indeed appear to be a misquote, the reality is much, much, worse. Here is a scholarly reference, with footnotes, research etc...
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    What do you think of this?/loaded gun,unlocked car

    Saw this on the Blaze. Guy had his loaded gun removed from his unlocked car. Gun was returned without ammo but with a stern note. I can see the perpetrators point of view,but it was clearly illegal. What do you...
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    Trying to make gun control a medical issue

    A little surprised to find this article in heavily pro-gun Utah. It looks like an AP article, (everybody who's surprised by THAT raise your hand), that was picked up by the...
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    Best pistol caliber vs body armor, NO Colorado posts!

    THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT THE COLORADO SHOOTING! This thread is about what could be done to prepare if more mass muderers start to use body armor! Here is where I'm at. I currently carry a j-frame smith. Five shots of .38 special rounds is starting to look as weak to me as it did to LE back in...
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    Full size ccw/ best pistol/caliber

    Ok gang here is the situation. I'm a new Bank Rep for a Sub Prime auto lending Bank. I have to visit dealerships in some VERY scummy parts of Salt Lake City and its suburb West Valley City AKA the murder capitol of Utah. Nice towns really but not where I end up in them. I carry a very large...