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  1. M

    Gun sales

    Wsj article below on gun sales. I didn't realize walmart was the largest seller of guns and ammo, but I guess that makes sense. Olin projecting a near term 2-6% rise in ammo prices. I'm thinking that might be a best case scenerio given demand for ammo then considering the rise of commodity...
  2. M

    Range bag

    Looking for a recommendation on range bag to hold an xdm and a 22 handgun, 8 mags and a few boxes of amm. Needs a should strap.
  3. M

    Scalia guns may be regulated

    I believe something lost on folks that want to say the fore fathers never invisioned AR-15's and high cap mags is that the 2nd amendment was meant to balance the technology of the military of the time and the 2nd was meant to give citizens comparable weapons. As recenlty as last week, I heard...
  4. M

    How do quote

    How do quote from a previous post?
  5. M

    Has Romney come out against the small arms treaty?

    I searched online, but found nothing definitive?
  6. M

    Authorities getting purchase info

    With regards to the Colorado shooting, anyone know how the shooters purchase info was able to be obtained so quickly? (assuming the info in the media was accurate) On Friday, his purchases were put out, but at that point they had not been in his apartment and LE said he wasn't cooperating. Any...
  7. M

    Home defense outside of firearms

    Curious as to what others have done to secure your home outside of firearms to deter things like theft, break-ins, and home invasion. Looking to improve security with out making the home look like prison So far we've added a security door in front, some motion flood lights and some...