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  1. 1

    Natural aim to the left?

    Hey guys, Not sure what the proper name for this should be but I am sitting here practicing dry firing my Glock and trying to obtain my target naturally, like pulling my pistol from holster then pointing at target before looking down sights. Every time I do this though my aim is always left, I...
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    Percentage of cops who hit their targets?

    Hey guys, I am looking for a statistic here because I am in a debate on Facebook about high capacity magazines with somebody. Of course I am for them and she is against them, her response is rather ignorant but I am typing up my response to her now. This is what she said "If you need three or...
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    Shooting range wedding?

    Anyone here ever heard of someone having a wedding at a shooting range? Me and my fiance are trying to plan are wedding out and I came up with that idea. Good idea or bad? Why? Gonna give the local shooting range a call in the morning and see if it would be possible. Its an outdoor range with...
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    Can't get the Glock out me

    Sold my Glock today, looking to go from 9mm to a 40. But I want something else. Don't get me wrong, I have loved every Glock I have ever had (17,21,27,29) they all do what they are meant to do. Never had one jam, I love the trigger and the short reset. There accurate and fit perfectly in my...
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    GF calls at 4am "drunk guy at front door"

    Ok so just got a phone call from my girlfriend at 4am. I am at work and she is up doing homework, and she calls me saying "there is some drunk guy banging on the front door and yelling" and in the backround I can hear him knocking on the door, and it must be pretty loud because she is upstairs...
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    Springfield xdm pink accessories?

    Hey guys, my girlfriend is getting really confident with her 22. So we will be getting her a new pistol here soon. We are debating between the glock 19 and the xdm 9mm. I am more of a glock guy myself but the safety features on the xdm are making me lean to the xdm because she is still a new...
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    Anyone hunt in Alaska?

    I have lived here in Alaska my hole life and not once have I gone hunting. Nobody in my family does it, I can't stand it. I want to go incredibly bad and now that I am an adult and on my own I want to go but I have no idea what, where, how, or anything lol. Anyone from Alaska on here? I live in...
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    Ruger SR22 Barrel Problems: Chipping?

    Ok just got this gun a couple weeks ago for my girlfriends first gun. So far so good no issues or anything. But today it looks as if the front of the barrel it chipping or something? I looked at it, decided to put some rounds through it and it worked fine but idk why it would do what it is...
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    How do glocks get named?

    Just curious about this real quick. But how does glock decide which number each model gets? The glock 17 is 9mm the Glock 22 is a 40 and the glock 20 is a 10mm ect. The names have nothing to do with the caliber the gun shoots so what is it?
  10. 1

    Clearing a semi-auto shotgun?

    Ok guys important question here. So I currently own a Weatherby SA-459 shotgun. I love it its a great gun but clearing it is weird and I was wondering if all semiautos are the same. So its not like a loaded rifle, where every time you pull the action? open a round shoots out until its clear...
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    Shooting with both eyes open?

    Ok, so I know the proper technique is to shoot with both eyes open but how do you guys accurately do this? I shoot with my left eye closed and can consistently hit the same area from 25 yards out. If I shoot with both eyes open I am all over the place and even miss the target sometimes from...
  12. 1

    Colorado Movie Theatre Shooting Sad. I hate when I see things like this, not only for the life lost but now all the media will be talking about is how guns need to be banned. does not make...
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    Bonny & Clydes Guns to be auctioned

    If anyone is interested (or afford it) just read this article. Maybe someone on here has a thing for history and a redicously large bank account :p
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    Bought my GF her first gun :) (Ruger SR22)

    Just bought my girlfriend her first gun. I got her the new Ruger SR22. Only cost me $325 :cool:. I tried teaching her on my 1911 but the gun was to big for her hands. I recently tried teaching her on my new Walther P99 and she did a lot better but it still made her arms sore and the kick was a...
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    Making Excel Sheet of all guns

    Hey, I am making a Excel sheet for all my guns that I own. Am I missing anything though? Right now for the categories for each firearm I have it is. Type of Firearm|Brand|Model|Caliber|Serial #|Date purchased/received Can you think of anything else I should include in this? Thanks!
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    Iphone 3 gun related otter box?

    Hey guys. Getting an iphone THREE next week. It has a crack on the back of it so I want to get a otter box for it. Does anybody know of any gun related ones? Or any with camo designs? I found a nice camo one but its only for the iphone 4 :( Thanks
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    Walther P99 Question

    Walther P99 Question EDIT:I Bought it Hey guys. Bored at work. So what do I do? I find a gun that I want to go buy as soon as I get off work :p I am looking at this gun What do you guys think? I have...
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    Moving target?

    Has anyone ever made a moving target to shoot at? I was thinking about buying a remote control car and the taking one of my human silhouette and putting it on there. Obviosliy I would need like a 4-5 foot peice of thin wood to hold the target up so I am not shooting directly at the RC car or...
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    Range rules question?

    My buddy was telling me that at the Rabbit Creek Shooting Range in Anchorage that they will not let you shoot you gun with more then 10 rounds in the magazine. No matter whether or not its a pistol or rifle. Why is this? As far as I am aware this is the only range like this in Alaska and they...
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    Running your slide?

    Last week I took a great firearms class. It was a CCW course/beginners course. The NRA certified instructor taught me a lot and I am a far better shooter then I was before, and a lot more knowledgeable. One thing you told us to always do was to "run your gun". This is where you put your hand on...