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  1. D

    Bringing up a new shooter : )

    My daughter, my brother and I went to an indoor range 3 weekends back and we rented her a SW M&P22. She put almost 100 rounds through it after I warmed it up for her with a couple of shots and she had a blast. Her grouping was good for a first-time handgun shooter though a little low. She'll...
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    P229 Elite Black Stainless

    E29R-40-BSE Can someone post a good hi-res picture of one so I can see the color vs a standard stainless? Nothing I've found on the 'net gives a good color rendition. Thanks!
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    I need practice

    You guys have probably seen this or a variation of this hundreds of times but I'm going to tell a short story anyway. Yesterday I went down to the IWL range with a couple standard 100 yard rifle targets set up at approx 15yds and fired about 8 mags of 10 shots at the five circles on the sheet...
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    ARMS.PRO / Global Arms and Ammunition

    ARMS.PRO / Global Arms and Ammunition What do you know about this company? Are any of you guys buying from them? Thanks
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    Senator's poll, demand your 2A rights Please vote how your conscience directs you on this senator's poll, right hand column, just a little ways down. Thank you, Frank
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    Ruger has a petition

    Ruger Take Action Ruger has an online petition to advocate against gun control. It will go to all of your state and federal legislators, and others based on state/zip you are in. This is a very easy way to forward your opinion, please use it, and share the link!! Frank
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    Found something yesterday...

    My father's uncles passed away in early '04 and the farm sale was in September of '04. After everything was cleared out, Dad bought one farm and yesterday in the virtually empty hay mow I found a couple of small cardboard boxes with some old newspapers, automobile magazines from 1952-1954, a...
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    Will you be exposed?

    I've been thinking about this for a while and haven't seen it addressed so want to ask: How have you prepared your family for the time when you may need to use your CCW? Through training we have learned to not jump into a situation unless 100% certain about what is going on. What will your...
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    What targets for distance shooting?

    I'm a cheapskate:D and use 100yd rifle targets for practice shooting and combat sights really make it hard to shoot 15+ yards because the white dot is at that point larger than the 2" corner targets on the paper. No wonder my patterns are not great on the corners but I can put 90 rds through...
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    Arms locked or bent?

    I typically shoot from an isosceles stance and haved used both straight arm and bent arm positions. What is considered correct, or is it a personal choice as to a person's effectiveness at hitting the target? I shoot more accurately with bent elbows, but suspect that as I progress and shoot...
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    Stevens Springfield SxS 12ga

    32 years ago after my grandfather passed, my grandmother gave me a shotgun that belonged to him and I could use some help dating it. It is a hammerless 12gauge side by side. Frame Left side: SPRINGFIELD MANUFACTURED BY J.STEVENS ARMS COMPANY CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS USA Right side, nothing...
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    New shooter w/FNP 40

    Thanks to the good information found on this site and a lot of trigger pulls with snap caps I am finding some consistency. Here are a few pics from May 23 and then today. In May with only a dozen or so pistol shots several years ago under my belt I was all over the place taking lots of time...