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  1. G

    Does 2A protect armed drones?

    OK, I admit I have weird thoughts and sometimes I share them. Would a personal drone aircraft armed with, say, a Ruger 10/22, be an arm protected under the Second Amendment? "Inspiration" for this was the Dianne Rhiem (sp) Show on NPR this morning which was discussing issues related to the...
  2. G

    Kim Kardashian becomes target

    Seems the young lady has aroused the ire of the anti-gun forces bu tweeting a photo of her gun. (The firearm in question appears to my untrained eye to be one of the Freedom Arms or similar mini-revolvers tarted up with gold plate and diamonds.) Anyway Ms Kardashian's tweet has apparently really...
  3. G

    What is an assault rifle?

    Moderators, if this is in the wrong forum or not a fit topic for discussion, please treat accordingly. Thanks. Hearing and reading accounts of the mass murder at a theater in Aurora, Colorado, the reports repeatedly describe the rifle used by the accused killer as an "AR-15 assault rifle." None...
  4. G

    Loading manual recommendation

    Back in the 20th century I was a mildly experienced reloader but have been away from the game for a long time and an thinking about getting back in. I wonder if anyone can offer suggestions for a current loading manual. I have Lyman, Speer, Sierra, and Hornaday books, but they were all published...