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  1. K

    Whoo-Hoo!! Starting up...!

    Yeah, buddy!!! Just finally got my dies from Midway...SIX MONTHS later... Gad, but I hate this whole shortage thing. Anyway, I got mine, and now I'm about to head out to the shed and start rolling my own! Got .223 and .308 dies, so I'm set for my rifles. Pistols will come later, I'm sure...
  2. K

    Well, I did it...again! Went and traded away...

    My only .357!! Bit of history: My first pistol was a Dan Wesson .357--the only fixed-barrel model they ever offered, to my knowledge. I picked it up at McBride's in the 90's for $285+tax, and I loved that gun. Better yet, my WIFE loved that gun. We'd go to the range and blast away boxes of...
  3. K

    Baby Eagle Jam-O-Matic...what am I doing wrong?!?

    Hey, a nasty problem with my Baby Eagle, need your thoughts. I bought this piece new two years ago next January. Took it down to the range shortly thereafter and was shocked to find that it jammed (FTE) in something like 2 out of 3 shots! And so, I promptly boxed that puppy up, and...
  4. K

    Gotta wonder 'bout that DC Shooter...

    Sorry if this is too morbid for the forum, or if it oversteps the boundaries of taste, here...if so, please feel free to toast this thread, but-- I gotta wonder about this "Skilled Shooter" in DC, yesterday. Five targets, apparently randomly chosen, in a variety of locales, some in motion...
  5. K

    OW!!! Took a 30-30 beating this weekend...

    Headed out to the range this weekend, with a buddy. Took along a fam'bly piece--a Savage 340. Bolt-action, 30-30 calibre. Nice condition, but TINY! I look at this weapon, and if it weren't chambered in a largish round, I'd think, "This is a kid's gun." I mean, it has maybe 20" of...
  6. K

    Aaargh...I hate when this happens!!!

    Hello, All... Some time ago (approximately two years), I was given my Mother's old Hi-Standard .22 Flite-King. It had languished in a closet, unloved, unoiled, and unshot for upwards of 20+ years, but fortunately, had been put away in reasonably good shape. There is no rusting apparent...
  7. K

    Mak-90 problem...

    I don't know if this the appropriate place to post this, so Mods, if I've erred, please feel free to move me...thanks! I have a Mak-90. That dirty little confession off my chest, I'll go one further. I like to shoot it. It's a noisy, rough, cheap POS, stamped receiver cover, thumbhole-log...
  8. K

    The Baby Eagle...

    Hey, all... I'm considering picking up a Baby Eagle in a couple of weekends, and although I've formed a few germ-opinions about them, I'd like to hear from folks who already own them and have put in time with them both at the range and on the bench. Any little twitches, glitches, or snags to...
  9. K

    About to commit sacrilege, maybe?

    Hey, all! I've had a Remington Sportsman 48 that I inherited from my dad, sitting in my gun cabinet for several years. It's been gathering dust, since I don't hunt with it, or shoot skeet. Anyway, I'm considering having the barrel cut down (it's something like 24" or so, with a Cutts...
  10. K

    "Like a Saturday Night Special with a case of the Mumps..."

    Howdy, All! Have been lurking about for some time, and have finally gotten around to registering and posting... For an early post, I thought I'd ask about some of my favorite 'sidearms,' the Howdah pistols. I like them. I mean REALLY like them...maybe it's covering for some sort of...