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    Now we're paying for tatoo removal?!?!,2933,42717,00.html My god! ----------------- Federal Government Paying for Tattoo Removal in Congresswoman's District Thursday, January 10, 2002 By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos WASHINGTON — Next time mother warns that a tattoo is forever, tell her the federal...
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    Loosing my job to office politics

    Okay kids, I'm not fired yet. But I have been just told that I'm "pissing people off" for the way I handle problems around here. Basically, I'm telling people that I don't want to play the office game. Now I'm in touble for voicing my frustrations in an email. An email that went only to my...
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    VPC Alexander Hamilton Contest - Part 1

    Okay, besides the obvious sarcasm to the title. I'm just posting this from They want as much exposure of this article as possible: An Open Memorandum to Law and History Students by Sean Oberle...
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    A question for (about) the women here at TFL

    Okay, I can't post any quotes or specifics until I get this person's permission to do so since our conversation is taking place on a 'private' area of another discussion forum. BUT, I do want to hear the replies of you all here. Now I don't know if they are male or female. I'm leaning towards...
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    PETA backfires!

    Thanks to Doug Charette over at for this little gem. ------------------------------------ PETA Attempt to mess up hunters - backfires PETA Fails in Attempt to Thwart Hunters Assoc. Press (Columbus, OH) If you...
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    The PC Police

    Funny collection of stuff from foxnews.,2933,42242,00.html Shows that we are going downhill when things like these are true.... ------------------------------ Government officials in Richmond, Calif., asked the owner of a local Western wear store to remove a...