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  1. I

    Has Klinton destroyed the strategic capabilities of US military?

    Has Our Leader, in 7 years, basically eliminated the strategic capabilities(nuclear strike forces) of the Us combined force? Stats have proven he has cut conventional divisions to 10 from 20 and 2 of the 10 are unfit according to US Army. But it is strategic or nuclear forces that the stats...
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    Get the video "Police State 2000",its later than you think

    Alex Jones video, "Police State 2000" documents the growing militirazation of our police forces around the country and Marine and Army urban warfare ops in the heart of Us towns and cities among civilians often at risk because of these operations. He documents the roadblocks in Texas,Austin...
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    Heard on the radio today: National Guard to close some Interstates end of december?

    I heard on the Clay Douglas show today that the national Guard will close some interstate highways around the 28th of December. This information was given to the petroleum companies i n order that they may reroute their delivery trucks on alternate or back roads. Clay Douglas, the publisher of...
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    Austrian Patriots fighting back! Freedom Party scores big electoral gains

    Good news for people everywhere who are feedup with the globalists agendas and who support Nationalists movements whereever they may be. The Freedom Party, lead by Joerg Haider, won 27 percent of the vote in yesterdays Austrian elections to push it past the Conservative Party into second place...
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    Re: "New America gets poorer

    A great disparity in wealth,reported in a study by the Center on Budget and policy Priorities,has more than doubled since 1977. In 1977 the top 1 per cent had as much money as the bottom 49 million.This year, 1999, the richest 2.7million,1per cent, has as much money as the POOREST 100 Million...
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    CZ 52 Auto: Magnum type power in a autoloader?

    I have a Cz52 auto pistol I like to shoot sometimes. The velocity of this round is high and ,although the bulletsuch as the 85 grain Hp I use is not large, the velocity is high and the pistol sounds like a magnum.The ball ammo I use is also high velocity stuff and is standard Polish or othere...
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    1911 .45ACP with a Federal ordnance frame

    I have a 1911 .45Acp with a government slide and a Federal Ordnance Frame with a ajustable trigger. It shoots quite accurate at 25 yards with ball or lead 230 grain ammo. I am just curious about the frame. The frame and slide seem to fit great with no problems. Did Federal Ornance make decent...
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    Rape Of Nanking: Japan has never even apologized

    I watched the History Channel one hour show on what the Japanese Army did to prisoners and civilians of Nanking after taking the city in 1937. I had heard about this atrocity of coarse, but after watching actual Japanese films of their murderous rampage in Nanking even i was shocked. Iris Chang...
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    Re: Switzerland, the freest nation on earth

    What do you all think of this statement? That the Swiss are the freest people on earth,bare none, and as a heavily armed people, will remain free after even the United States becomes a historical footnote. The Swiss have been a free people since around 1300: a record that far surpasses this...
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    Contrails: Menace from our skys

    I am taking excerpts from the July26 issue of the Spotlight Newpaper: " The US government agencies seem to be ignoring the concerns of Americans who are aware of mysterious trails of condensation coming from aircraf around the country. The "Spotlight"...
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    Re; How much is a IBM Carbine worth?

    a friend wants to sell a IBM Carbine. It looks like a mint gun with no import marks. The stock has no markings on it and I wonder if it was a Dcm gun ,but no papers with it. He has 2 30 rd mags and one 15 round mag. He wants $450.00 for it . Was Ibm a rare manufacturer of this weapon? Any...
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    Its official now: foreign troops will be used to quell disturbances

    Guys, wake and smell the roses. On a radio show today in Pittsburg,Pa the PA national guard was quoted as saying foreign troops would be used to help quell disturbances in PA. Also, and more importantly, The Us War COllege has been quoted as saying Mexican and Canadian troops could be used in...
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    How many states are really profirearms in their laws?

    With the Bashing of California taking place over the SKS and other confiscations coming up, I have been wondering how many states are really pro firearms in their laws or lack of laws regarding guns. Some of the criteria would be if open carry is allowed,if citizens can buy and sell firearms...
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    Sheriff Stone inJefferson County says more involved in Columbine massacre

    From: Ivan8883 6-23-99 1120 PM EDT On July 19, I believe, Sheriff Stone of Jefferson County ,Colo. has stated he believes more were involved in Colombine massacre. Many people ,including myself, have said from the start that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" ,to paraphase...
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    Re:Australian type gun confiscation law.How many would comply?

    From: 6-12-99 831PM EDT. It is November 1999. U.S. Government,under executive order, calls for turn in of all semi auto firearms, from 22 caliber on up, another Australian type gun call in. You have 30 days to turn them in or be declared a enemy of the people and subject to...
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    Re: US Marines used to help confiscate Aussie firearms?

    From: Ivan8883 5-22-99 844PM EDT I had heard at least twice that US Marines were used to help in the confiscation of Australian firearms last year.In other words, these Marines were part of the UN gun grabbing program that is being pushed by such countries as Japan, Canada,and others(I am sure...
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    Re: Republicrats Stab Gunowners In the Back

    From: Ivan8883 5-14-99-551PM EDT How bout comment about the latest double vote from our corrupt and completely evil no good Senate? After voting against the gun show restrictions, they decided to vote again and change their vote in favor of the Supreme Dictator of the Land. Reminds me of the...