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  1. D

    Just had a great weekend

    I went camping with my son (6 yrs), my nephew (10yrs), a buddy of mine and his two sons (10 yrs and 13 yrs). We camped in a private woods that had a shooting range set up on it. My buddy and his sons were non shooters. Not antis, just never had a chance to shoot before. I gave all three a...
  2. D

    4 rules question

    I have aquestion involving the 4 rules. I have recently been giving firearms classes to my 2 nephews and was asked a question that I didn't have a real good answer for. Leave it to the kids to ask :). Have you ever been squirrel hunting with a .22 or when out in the woods practiced your...
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    Frank Lautenburg on Sean Hannity

    Did anyone hear Dem Frank Lautenburg from New Jersey on the Hannity radio program on Monday? Sean told him that his opponent in the Senate race has said the following: When asked what he thought about the quote, Lautenburg said it was irresponsible and radical. Of course that is when Sean...
  4. D

    What a great weekend!!!

    Enough talking about the sniper. I took my 5 yr old boy and my 2 nephews who are each 8 yrs old camping last weekend. We had a blast. We went on private property so there was no one else around. Neither of my nephews have been around guns growing up. I have taken my brothers in law out...
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    Pro gun Sean Hannity show

    Did anyone else catch Sean Hannity's radio program yesterday? He was advising people in the DC area to get a gun and some training. He was pushing the idea that if there were someone armed in the area, they may be able to get a shot off at the "sniper" and save many lives. He came off as very...
  6. D

    I got "made" today at Walmart

    I stopped by Walmart to pick up a few things this afternoon. As always I was carrying my Walther P99 in a paddle holster on my right hip under a baggy shirt. I had my 4 yr old son with me. As 4 yr old boys generally do, he had plenty of energy and was running back and forth while I was...
  7. D

    Most unusual gun you own and how you got it

    I have a Gyrojet. It is one of the early ones in 13mm. In 1992 while I was in the Army, I was in Honduras for a few months. On one of my days off I was driving through the countryside and saw a little wooden hut on the side of the road. They were selling wood carvings, chairs, blankets, you...
  8. D

    Don't I feel like Deputy Barney Fife!!!

    About three weeks ago I took my daughter's boyfriend out shooting. He is getting ready to go to a police academy and wanted to get in some practice. He has a used Taurus and I brought my Walther P99 which is my carry gun. We ran a couple of hundred rounds through between the two of us...
  9. D

    Question for military types

    If you are living on post in in one of the Communist states (CA, MD, MA etc.) do you have to comply with that state's laws while on post? If you are in California can you own an AR-15 or other outlawed evil gun in your house on post? I was in for 10 but it was 15 years ago and I never paid...
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    I just saw that I am now a Senior Member!!! This is great. Now the moderators can send me all of my Senior member stuff. You know, like the free Molon Labe T shirts and hats, the free memberships to ranges, discounts on guns and tell me when the secret senior member meetings are being held...
  11. D

    Ted Nugent on Bob and Tom

    Ted Nugent was in Indianapolis this morning being interviewed by radio personalities Bob and Tom. The show is nationally syndicated. He was giving out copies of his book Kill It and Grill It . Somehow the subject got around to body piercing and they asked Ted if he had any body part pierced...
  12. D

    Not a bad way to get rid of guns...

    My sister's house recently burned to the ground while everyone was gone to work. Nobody hurt but lost just about everything. They were renting and didn't have renter's insurance. (Yeah, I know) We got them resettled and all of the essentials in their new house. You've just got to love small...
  13. D

    A fairly balanced RKBA news article

    No right to bear arms? By HOLLY YOAKUM Daily Journal staff writer May 29, 2002 A White River Township resident has filed a lawsuit against the Johnson County Board of Commissioners claiming a 21-year-old county law violates his constitutional rights. The law, passed...
  14. D

    Black Squirrels?

    I have lived in Indiana most of my life but just recently moved to Upland, a small town in north central Indiana. The town has a couple of thousand people in it if you include Taylor University. The town has 2 or 3 smal parks with lots of nut trees and a lot of Walnut and Oak trees scattered...
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    Fox News Anchor says she is pro RKBA

    Just heard E. D. Donahey on Bill O Reilly's new radio program this evening. She is the woman anchor on Fox and Friends morning news program. They were discussing an interview Bill had done the previous day with Rosie O Donnel (sp?). E. D. said she was from Texas and strongly supported an...
  16. D

    CCW legality question

    If you had a holster on your belt that had a top flap covering the grip on your pistol so that no part of the gun was visible, would this be an acceptable manner of carry in most states? You could wear your holster even if you were not carrying a gun at the time and no one would know the...