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    My review of the Ruger LCRx with 3" barrel

    My latest post at my Michigan Firearms Examine page is a review of the Ruger LCx with a 3" barrel. A review of the Ruger LCRx with 3" barrel "The latest version of the Ruger Lightweight Revolver, the Ruger LCRx with a 3” barrel, transforms the design from a snub-nose carry gun into a handy...
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    My article, "How to master the thumbs forward handgun grip"

    My latest article on my Michigan Firearms Examiner page is on how to master the thumbs forward handgun grip. This is a photo article because I've seen many shooters who don't understand the mechanics of the grip and just have the thumbs pointed forward without changing the angle of the wrist. I...
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    My article, "How to pick the best hunting binoculars"

    Here's the latest article at my Michigan Firearms Examiner page. I tried to go beyond the typical "buyers guides" article and actually talk about the things that matter when picking binoculars. How to pick the best hunting binoculars "The importance of hunting binoculars cannot be...
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    My article, "How to beat 'buck fever' at your hunt"

    Here's my latest article at my Michigan Firearms Examiner page. I interviewed a couple psychologists on what to do if you experience "buck fever." How to beat 'Buck fever' at your hunt "It’s the day of the hunt and you’ve sighted your quarry. As you get ready to take the shot your heat beats...
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    My interview with "Monster Hunter International" author Larry Corriea

    I interviewed Larry Corriea, author of "Monster Hunter International" and other works. Larry is "one of us" and has been a CCW instructor, owned a gun store, and used to hang out on various gun boards. If you haven't read MHI, imagine a group like Blackwater, only dedicated to fighting...
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    The guns of Bonnie and Clyde 80 years later

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article on the guns of Bonnie and Clyde and the Frank Hamer posse. (It was supposed to go up on the actual 80th anniversary, but got delayed by other priorities) The guns of Bonnie and Clyde 80 years later "This month marks 80 years since the crime...
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    1979 TV profile of Jeff Cooper and Gunsite is a trip to the past

    Here's my article on a 1979 news magazine profile of Jeff Cooper and Gunsite. It's an interesting look at the state of art in training and the "gun culture" of the late 70's. Love him or hate him, Cooper was the pioneer for civilian defensive handgun training. Vintage Jeff Cooper profile is a...
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    What is right, and wrong, with the "You picked the wrong girl" Glock commercial

    I've had several friends post links to a Glock commercial where a young woman defends herself from a home attacker. They all post some variation, of "You go Girl!" or "What a great ad." The thing is, if you actually watch the commercial with a critical eye, it's almost an ad for what NOT to do...
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    My article, "The JFK assassination - Could Oswald have made the shots?"

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article on the JFK assassination. A look at the JFK assassination at 50 years - Could Oswald have made the shots? "The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 50 years ago today, continues to capture the imagination of the public. The details of...
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    My review of the full-auto Skorpion vz 61 machine pistol

    I wrote a review of the Skorpion vz 61 machine pistol over at my Michigan Firearms Examiner column. I got a chance to try a post-86 Dealer Sample awhile back. I included a video of a pretty girl shooting the gun. I could have had a video of me, but thought you'd like her better... The Skorpion...
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    My 'test fire' review of the Chiappa Rhino revolver

    The Chiappa Rhino revolver has been out for a few years now. I finally got a chance to try one recently and wrote a review for my Michigan Firearms Examiner column. A 'test fire' review of the Chiappa Rhino revolver "The Chiappa Rhino revolver is a unique firearm that broke the mold of...
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    My article, "Instagram star '@Gun_Collector' talks about guns, photography & the medi

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article. I interviewed the Florida gun owner recently featured on Yahoo News for gainign over 40,000 subscribers on Instagram for his gun photography. The Instagram star '@Gun_Collector' talks about guns, photography, and the media "A Florida gun...
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    A look at the April 11, 1986 FBI Miami shootout 27 years later

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article. I wrote a summary of the April 11, 1986 FBI Miami shootout. I made sure to include all the links I could find for people who want to know more, including links to the Gunzone page, official FBI report, a couple survivor interviews, and the...
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    My article, "How to survive the ammo shortage of 2013"

    Here's my latest Michigan Gun Rights Examiner article with tips on how to survive the ongoing ammo shortage. How to survive the ammo shortage of 2013 "As guns and ammo sales continue to hit record highs the ongoing ammo shortage has become a major frustration for many shooters. Here are tips...
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    A look at James Bond's movie guns

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article. This one is on the guns James Bond used in the movies and how what the prop guys used wasn't always what we thought we were seeing. A look at the guns of James Bond for the Skyfall premiere "With the new James Bond movie, “Skyfall,” in...
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    My article on how to reduce lead exposure from shooting

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article on how to reduce lead exposure risks from the shooting sports. Tips to reduce lead exposure from shooting "While shooting is a safe activity, as long as proper safety rules are obeyed, one health risk many shooters overlook is the exposure...
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    Seven tips for summer carry

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article about tips for concealed carry. This one talks about some solutions for hot weather carry. Seven tips for summer concealed carry for CCW permit holders If you missed them here are links to my earlier articles on concealed carry tips: Advice...
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    Five tips for pocket carry

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article with more tips for CCW holders: Five tips for CCW pocket carry "One popular concealed carry option is pocket carry. Some concealed carry permit holders chose pocket carry as their primary carry mode while for others prefer to use it as an...
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    Winter concealed carry tips for CCW permit holders

    Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article with some tips on cold weather carry. (Yeah, I know I probably should have done this one at the start of winer, but it's been so mild here). Winter concealed carry tips for CCW permit holders "As we Michigan residents struggle through another...
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    Advice to new CCW permit holders: Part 2 - Carry like a pro

    Here is my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article. This one gives more tips for new CCW permit holders. (I couldn't edit my last post title to show there was an updated with a new article, so I started a new thread.) Advice to new CCW holders: Part 2 - Carry like a pro "This is my second...