Search results

  1. J

    Who said crime never pays?

    A local man was sentenced for multiple crimes, great! However, he's not to report to prison until Dec. 26 at 6:00 pm. Yeah, celebrate Christmas with your family than report to prison to serve your time, and don't get up early the next morning come in late in the evening after you have had a...
  2. J

    Where are those Basic Rules of Firearm Safety Again?

    Whare are those Basic Rules of Firearm Safety Again? The attached pic was front page on our local paper. I just hope nobody pops out of that trunk. If you look really really close you will see the officer closet to you on the right has his finger on the trigger. Well... I don't know how to...
  3. J

    Multi-state Reciprocity

    Wishful thinking I know, but follow the link below and send in your .02 cents worth. Multi-state Reciprocity
  4. J

    They Are Getting Close

    Attached is a link to our local newspaper. An Afghan man was stopped by a local PD. EXETER -- An Afghan man stopped by township police for a routine traffic violation Saturday is in the custody of Immigration...