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  1. B

    .357 sig price

    OK maybe i'm crazy but has the price of .357 sig ammo actually gone down?? two years ago the cheapest i could find was once fired reloaded ammo for 21$ a box of 50 now i found brand new federal for 18$ a box of 50 and the reloaded for 15$ also a box of 20 SD HPs are 17 bucks at my local gun...
  2. B

    Why Reload??

    Not that i don't want to reload but i don't see the cost effectivness in it, i just checked midway prices for once fired 9 mm brass pluss bullets plus primers bought in bulk 1,000 Qty. packs costs $0.16 to reload, not including powder and thats with the cheapest once fired brass and the cheap...
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    Shooting Memories

    Growing up my family loved camping we would go several times a year but my parents never owned guns, to this day they are still unarmed, not that they have anything against it, it just was not a prioity to them. When i was 8 yrs old, we were camping at our favorite spot when my uncle showed up...
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    .40 S&W Carbine?

    Anyone chrono'd a .40 sw out of a 16.5 in barrel? I'm curious on velocity increase. I'm thinking about buying a .40 carbine and am wondering what velocity increase (if any) I might experience.
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    your first...?

    Okay this has probably been done before, but I just wanted to see what your first gun was. mine was a NEF single shot 12 ga shotgun.
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    Why o' Why?

    Why do you Carry the semi-auto that you do for your EDC? was it caliber or weight or was it an ego thing? I personaly carry a Glock 32 in .357 sig a good gun, an excellent round, and also doubles as a home defense gun.
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    .357 sig ammo?

    Is there such a thing as .357 sig+p?
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    Hunting minimums and maximums

    I am just curious. if you were hunting coyote, deer, elk, or grizzly bear what wound be the smallest round you would use for each individually? as well as the biggest you would use. I want real responses, obviously you can use a .50 BMG for coyote but it wouldn't be practical.
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    Calling all .357 sig fans!!

    my experience in shooting different defensive loads for the .357 sig is limited just Glaser safety grey ball and Winchester white box hollow points. what is your favorite defensive load and price per round?
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    feelings on .357 sig?

    This is my first thread on this forum and i just want to get a feel for what every one thinks of the .357 sig BTW it is my favorite caliber for a handgun. Do you like it, hate it? let me have it.