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    Avid Hunter Kerry Endorsed by ALF

    Hmmm. I wonder what the "Sportsmen for Kerry" group will say about this?
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    Painting Springfield Synthetic Stocks?

    I want to paint my M1A stock something other than black. I did a search to see what some of you have done in the past but still have some questions: 1) Can I paint directly over the factory krinkle finish or do I have to sand that off and start over? I like the feel of the krinkle and wouldn't...
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    New M1-A -- Have Range Report, Need Advice

    Well, I finally got to shoot my new M1-A Scout that's been sitting in the safe and calling to me for the last week. The report will be short and sweet cuz the gun shot sweet.:) I put 200 rounds of South African surplus through it, not one hiccup. I didn't do any prone stuff today as I mostly...
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    Anti-Hunting Activists Need to Get a Life

    First you have the nutzo activist calling hunters "not decent people", then you have the councilman, who starts to talk logically, end stating that saying "animals taste good" is in bad taste. Sheesh. From Tongue Tied on the FOX News site: ------------- Anti-hunting activists in Maine say...
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    Barrel Descriptive Term

    Okay, someone shooting as long as I have should know this, but I don't. So to bare my ignorance to all, when someone is describing a used rifle barrel as, "TE of 1.5 and muzzle of .25" what does that mean, and what is the range for a good barrel (this is an M1 barrel if it makes a difference)? A...
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    Reloading Bench -- If you could do it all over again?

    After many years of my reloading bench being relegated to the corner of a garage, toolshed, or what have you, I'm finally taking the opportunity to build my dream reloading room. I thought I would throw these questions out to you all: If you could change the design of your bench, what would you...
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    Right out of Judge Dredd

    What do you guys think of this? I'm a full fledged techno-geek, but I think I'd rather stick with a 1911 -- the last thing I want to see is ammo by Microsoft:
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    Thanks and Curses...

    ...Or one man's trash is another man's treasure, and viceversa, or something like that: To the individual(s) who left a ton of once fired .45acp and 10mm brass for me at the forest service range when I got there this morning, a thousand blessings on you sirs or madams. The caseloader on my 650...
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    And I complain about Kalifornia...

    :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
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    Democrats Getting Nervous About Gun Control Stance?

    The full story from CSPAN is at: But here's an interesting excerpt: "The poll's findings on the gun issue were particularly evocative. Asked to choose between the positions of generic GOP and Democratic candidates on the...
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    Ffg in revolver?

    Hey guys -- is there actually anything WRONG with using ffg in a .44 revolver? I just got one and I know fffg is recommended, but since I use both grades in my .54 Great Plains I was wondering if it's actually okay to use it in a revolver from the safety standpoint. I recognize that it might not...
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    Just Who is the Dumb Redneck?

    Well, for my first post to this forum, I thought it only fitting that I relate it to the subject that brought me here -- specifically the Molan Labe gear that Larry Correia puts together. He put up a post on the 1911 forum that led me to this one. Anyway, to the point. Since I started wearing...