Search results

  1. R

    Are you an Armchair Activist ?

    Ok so you spout off here about gun rights and tell all you friends and colleagues about your rights. That's all very good and helpful but when was the last time you actually did any of the following - - went to a gun rally - actually talked to a politician - helped at or organise or run a pro...
  2. R

    y2k ok - 01/01/2000 12:13pm

    Well its 01/01/2000 and all is fine. I just had the beat the bannana benders and West Australians. I was going to let off some shots on the old 12 gauge but the air was clear tonight and shots wouldve echoed. Besides didn't want to hit a stray cow or horse. ok ok ok a typo 12:13 am [This...
  3. R

    Y2k Pledge

    Yes this is a slashdot ripoff but anyway - I pledge the following - - I will not buy loads of extra food and - store it just in case. - I will not withdraw a few hundred dollars from the bank just in case. - I will not buy anything gimmicky with y2k or 2000 on it. - I will not buy extra ammo...
  4. R

    Survey - Trust

    You can't trust 100% of every group so this will be generalising- Do you trust a - the government b - the army c - the police d - firefighters e - your grandmother f - barney the dinosaur
  5. R

    Australian animal liberationist

    Peter Singer who wrote Animal Liberation is in the USA He believes in the killing of severly disabled babies Animal liberationists and the anti-gunners are the same lot They all want cotrol,1080,500044844-500073075-500171646-0,00.html
  6. R

    Port Arthur - should have been stopped

    Tonight on tv they were replaying phone conversations of Martin Bryant(mass muderer) and police negotiators. Now Martin Bryant is mentally slow and supposedly has the mental age of a 12 year old. Well when he spoke it was very obvious he has a few roos loose i his top paddock. I just wonder how...
  7. R

    Secession of a state in Australia - it could happen Wouldn't it be great if Queensland did. They have the least tough gun laws, they could then get rid of all gun laws. HS watch out all us southerners might move. God Save the Queen and damn the republic. :)
  8. R

    death threat on the net - what to do

    On my board at my site someone decided to post "i will kill you" well it was probably an anti gun person or maybe a kid but I'm not going to let them get away with it. The FBI site doesn't accept email so who should I contact ? Fortunately my Phorum logedd the time and their IP plus I have it in...
  9. R

    Don't shoot someone in Australia or this will happen Is a website of a bloke In Australia who was charged with murder for shooting an armed robber.(replica pistol but would ask the robber if it's real or not ?) He was of course found not guilty. It is an interesting read. In different states the laws and Police attitude on...
  10. R

    An anti gun internet company

    I signed up to use a web email service. Basically it would set up a web based email service using my domain name. In the end I decided not too but I recieved this email today - "Michael, We have limited the access to our service in an effort to make it attractive to the largest possible group...
  11. R

    What kind of dog do you have ?

    Well everyone seems to fit the stereotype for cars how about dogs ? I have a blue heeler crossed with red heeler cross border collie. A proper dog not a $1000 pure bred thing. Our other dog is a blue heeler cross kelpie. Most blokes here have a dog or I hope they do, dogs guns and utes(pick ups...
  12. R

    Australian TFL roundup and question

    Hey Bruce and HS I think about the best we could do is all go outside and fire our guns at the same time. Is there any Newsouthwelshmen here besides me ? Actually a serious question, can TFL staff give us an idea of how many non US citizens post here ? It seems Australians are plain dumb or just...
  13. R

    History of TFL, what is it ?

    When did it start ? why ? and by whom ? I heard it had something to to with people leaving after finding this I rarely return there) ------------------ FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
  14. R

    Guns Defamed Again - warning anti gun site

    An example of a brainless anti-gun site, for one thing they say I sell guns. I want to do something about it. This is part of a university site. Now a legal like email may make them think twice :) Im sure they don't have...
  15. R

    Ideas needed

    I'm president of our local hunting club and now our club has been established a couple of years we are looking for different types of events to hold. Since it's too hard to take 500 people hunting :) we usually have meetings and days on a range. I'm going to book a range later this year for a...
  16. R

    Auction sites

    Can someone tell me which is the most popular auction and/or classified site for guns ? ------------------ Get the best FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
  17. R

    Ill take one of these

    If you want something to handle your big game hunting requirements try here or maybe one of these for very big ducks, oh but you nedd a plane. Now If I had one of these I might get me a few more...
  18. R

    Logistical problem

    Since I can't post ammo and supplies to the US because it's illegal and too expensive anyway Im looking for some way of getting it to people in the US. I know Wal Mart and Kmart sell guns and ammo so do they sell gift vouchers ? and accept credit cards from someone overseas ? I'm looking for a...
  19. R

    Opinions Please - web site question

    This ezine thing is starting to go well. The articles and writers I've got so far are great. What I am going to do is have an affiliate program for the ezine. You put a form on your web site and if someone signs up through your site you get advertising credits or money. I was thinking 5 cents...
  20. R

    Ammo for articles

    I had a bit of success from my first post but I'm still after some more people to write articles, I won't pay cash but will provide those people with some ammo or shooting supplies for the first couple of issues or advertising space if they prefer. Then when the money comes in you get money as...