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  1. H

    Lawdog, et al. Mea Culpa. My post got off-course, to my regret. Help?

    Lawdog locked this thread, for good reason. He also posted a stack of links, and reminded us (Me.) that laziness does not satisfactorily answer heavy questions. So: Mea culpa. I claim responsibility for an irresponsible essay written about an issue I realistically have not seriously considered...
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    Practical Snobbery: The Case Against Stainless Steel

    I was inspired by this post. But by the time I was done with this reply, my head was so swollen I had to start a new thread. I present the best case ever for the return of Blued Steel to the position of The Standard Finish for most, if not all firearms. I hereby contend that Stainless Steel...
  3. H

    "Bias", by Bernard Goldberg. A book worth a closer look.

    Hokay, I just got finished with reading Bernard Goldberg's Bias, a book dealing with the dirty details of the major broadcast network's liberal/leftward tilt in their prime-time news shows, as experienced from the inside. This book will make you ANGRY. I highly reccomend it. Bernard...
  4. H

    A TFL first: Lets talk about the .45 GAP.

    This forum was SHUT by the time this much-derided round came in to being. Therefore I shall celebrate it's re-opening with yet another chance for you lot to shoot down what is possibly the neatest idea in firearms since the Kel-tec .32. Now, Gaston's ego aside, many see no use for this round...
  5. H

    Best derringer caliber?

    OK, a mostly fun question. Don't take this TOO seriously, but do give it some serious thought. Look, this isn't a discussion about the relative merits of derringers as a class. I understand the pros/cons of derringers vs. other platforms such as revolvers and small autos like the Kel-tecs and...
  6. H

    666th post, and an Evil Question: J-frame or .45 ACP?

    Welcome to my Number of the Beast posting. Please leave your sacrifice in the bin by the door. All your soul are belong to me. :D Now for the fun part: The Evil Question. I have a j-frame. It's a sweety, a Model 36 in brand-new condition with Pachmayer Combat/Professional grips, and a slick...
  7. H

    What's your favorite thumblatch?

    Gotta open them DA wheelers by some means or other. Who's system do you favor? Mind you, this is thumblatch-specific, so be free to select a system you like even if ordinarily you wouldn't favor a particular brand of gun for whatever reason. Personally, I find the Ruger system the most...
  8. H

    Anti-gun bias is no surprise, but editing movies to make gun use WORSE? An irate rant

    Now, we are all familiar with anti-gun bias from the major media. They have no hesitations about putting gun ownership in a bad light in any convenient way, regardless of facts. But last night, I saw something rather disturbing. Let's hear it for the Family channel, doing their part to uphold...
  9. H

    Curious about bullet weights for various calibers...

    The .357 Magnum has a rather large seection of bullet weights available, ranging from 90-ish grains all the way up to 200 grains. I was wondering what the comparable bullet spread would look like in other calibers. for instance, .32 cals would start at 60-ish grains, and top out at what? 110...
  10. H

    Heroes for today. A sad but inspiring story.

    I mentioned in the Stungun thread that I found out my friends are a long way from evil. DSP is always trying to recruit good people. Turns out they're actual, for-real, bona-fide HEROES. Kaliforny does have it's redeeming bits, scattered far and wide amongst the sludge. Diamonds in the rough...
  11. H

    Arm the Pilots, Stunguns are WORTHLESS!, or, How I spent my Fourth of July.

    I'M BAAACK!! AND I'VE BEEN UP TO NO GOOD! What ho and what hey, all and sundry. Miss me? Been missing from here lately. Been mucho busy. Busy having fun, that is, in my own twisted way. Working a lot, also. You may remember I tested a 500,000-volt stungun the hard way not too long ago. Link...
  12. H

    More new Tauruses. I want 'em ALL.

    So I'm sitting in the backroom over at my dealer's place, shopping the catalogs. Flipping throught the pages, what should I stumble on, but the Taurus ads. Neat, says I, I wonder if the new .45's are in here. They weren't, but a few other interesting things WERE. They got a Raging Carbine. It's...
  13. H

    Colt Lawman Mk. III Snubby. 1st gun in SEVEN MONTHS!

    Right. Unemployment STINKS! :( Had a Parker combo gun on "layaway". Darn thing was $1300. Been sitting around since the first of the year, getting token bits of spare change chucked at it. Finally, some guy offered my dealer $200 MORE than I agreed to pay for it, in cash right then if they...
  14. H

    We had an earthquake just lately, as I'm sure you've heard by now...

    So that makes me wonder. Earthquakes, like hurricanes, are an act of God that can lead to a SHTF situation. We have BUCKETS of literature expounded by the state about quake prepared-ness. Heck, we got stores that specialize in nothing else. One thing I've noticed about all of these pamphlets...
  15. H

    Never mind the Best, who makes the WORST revolver?

    We've got all kinds of threads about which revolver is best, who's the best bang for the buck, etc. Let's do something a bit different. Wheelguns are somewhat hard to screw up, as they have existed for so long the technology has been exhaustively developed. Kinda like the front-engine...
  16. H

    I took a 500,000 volt stungun shot. Target Guy is a tough gig.

    For research purposes. And for yucks, sorta. (We filmed it.) I volunteer for the STUPIDEST stuff, sometimes. The things I do to uphold my reputation as an utter loon...:D I put this up as academic information on the efficacy of stunguns in general, from the victims-eye-view, as nonlethal force...
  17. H

    Whose DA .22 should I get?

    I'm in the market for a serious-ish target-style .22 DA revolver for to practice DA shooting in a serious way. That mandates an adequate trigger pull, and in an ideal world, more than six shots. S&W 617's were appealing when they came out with the ten-shot cylinders, but I was not enamored...
  18. H

    Stretching the Envelope for Black-powder pistols.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Granted, this is black-powder specific, but the issues addressed are not. So: I've got a single-shot pistol from Traditions that I bought as a kit. It came out rather nicely, if I do say so myself. Calamity Jane...
  19. H

    "Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Neat huh?" or, Question about executive ordes

    Some of Clinton's executive orders make my blood boil. If that Klintonista I quoted is right, what happenned to checks and balances? The fact that only Congress is supposed to pass laws? What are the borders/limits to executive authority in this regard? I know, I think I learned this in civics...
  20. H

    How much of recoil is rocket exhaust?

    On the one hand, recoil is attributed to bullet weight. This is undeniably true, but does anybody know the velocity of the gasses that leave the muzzle at 50,000-ish psi? Porting and muzzle breaks use this energy to counteract the acceleration that the gun recieves a la Newton's third law, but...