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  1. W

    Extrude Powder & LNL AP Press

    Hey Guys, Looking for an extruded powder that will meter well in an Auto-Progress press. Specifically I looking for something for my 270. Thanks Will
  2. W

    Aimpoint or Eotech "WHY"??

    Guys, there is something I see a lot at the range and just don’t understand. I’m 63 and have 2 very fine AR-15s, both of which are outfitted with very good scopes and are capable of shooting 1 MOA or better at 500 yards. I see these young guys showing up at the range with fine AR-15s with a...
  3. W

    Colt SP1 "Load Data Needed"

    Ok Guys, here is one from the past. Bought her new in 1982, serial # 128XXX. If you know your guns you know what this is and what it is capable of doing. Here the situation, it's been a closet queen for more than 25 years while I was chancing the almighty dollar all over the world...
  4. W

    SS Media Cleaning - Range Results with CFE-223

    Had a very interesting discussion thread over on THF concerning the affects on accuracy & velocities. If interested here is the link: Test results from yesterdays trip to the range.
  5. W

    LC, RP, FC Case Comparision (223)

    I have read on my 4 favorite Forum (many times) that Lake City cases are thicker therefore have less volume so charges need to be reduced slightly to avoid excessive pressure. Being retired and with tons of free time on my hands I did a little test today to satisfy my own curiosity. Here is...
  6. W

    CFE-223 1st Test Range Report

    First time out with CFE-223. Would like some analysis as what you think of the groups. I have my own opinions but would surely like to here what you think. Can anyone explain what might have happened with the 28.1 group? I did have a 10 to 12 mph swirling wind at the range today. I can assure...
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    Automated RCBS Case Trimmer

    Read about this on another forum. Works great!
  8. W

    View From My Stand

    Frame capture from video taken Friday 12/9/11 @ 08:39. Big boy under the feeder is a wide 8 but G2&3 not long enough this year, maybe next. Foard County Texas, range from Stand to feeder 220 yards. Full video can be viewed at:
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    Fighting for the Ladys

    This big guy must have been in a serious fight for the attention of some pretty lady. Right side horns mostly broken off. Hope to see him next year before he gets into any fights. :)
  10. W

    Austin's Buck

    My hunting Partner's Son, his is 10, took this nice Foard County, Texas 8 point with a single shoot 243 at 110 yards.
  11. W

    Bushmaster Varminter Problem

    After 2 years of flaws shooting I went to the range last week and every ejected round hung up. The eject case was sticking out of the receiver at a 90% angle. Pulled the bolt back, clear the ejected round released the bolt, round from the magazine feed nicely into the chamber; fired the round...
  12. W

    270 Win & Barnes 110 TTSX

    My intent with this post is to share some information for those interested in the subject. My rifle of choice is the 270 Win Ruger M77 Hawkeye equipped with a Burris Black Diamond 8x32 scope. I have been an avid deer hunter for the past 50 years and a dedicated reloader for the past 40 years...