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  1. 4

    Carrying with an empty chamber

    For everyone who likes to carry their semi-auto chamber empty, check out how this robber's gun jams (but no one seems to notice) as he racks it to rob a Jimmy Johns sub shop. About 35 seconds into the video he does a poor job racking the slide (holds it back then pushes it forward instead of...
  2. 4

    Deadly Force: Threat to Head vs Threat to Body

    Should there be any difference in response if deadly force is directed towards the head instead of the body? In other words, if a bad guy has a gun aimed at someone's head, should you do anything differently than if the gun was aimed at their body in the exact same situation?
  3. 4

    Deadly force to retain handgun

    We had poster in another thread state that he was surprised how many people would shoot if someone tried to take away their gun. He believes that a handgun is property and you can't use deadly force to prevent someone from taking it. I can't even conceive of a thought like this crossing my...