Search results

  1. S

    Browning auto rifle or Remington auto rifle for SHHTF situation?

    Why does no one ever (at least that I remember) choose one of these two rifles when choosing a rifle for SHHTF scenario?
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    Range with shorter barrells...

    I've been shooting with 28" and 30" barrells on 12 gage 2 3/4" shells with full choke. Consider maximum effective range to be about 60 yards. Am considering acquiring another 12 gage 2 3/4" with shorter barrell length of 24" or 26", what would be a realistic maximum effective range? If I...
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    Effectiveness of Semi-auto fire vs. 3-shot burst?

    This is just a point of curiousity, but for those who have shot with both semi-auto and the 3-shot burst our military apparently is currently useing on the M-16, is the 3-shot burst vastly superior to the semi-auto, or just marginally better in effectiveness?
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    Can deer see red light?

    Been seeing adds lately for LED flashlites that are available in red and other colors of lite. Supposedly the red or infra-red lite doesn't hurt your nite vision as much. If you walk to your stand prior to day-break and use a red lense, hence red lite, do deer have a harder time seeing that...
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    How much protection is afforded by the kevlar helmets / vests of the army?

    Was always under the impression that a rifle bullet would travel right thru these things and that they're basically for incidental shrapnel/flying debris? Is this correct or can they actually stop bullets? If so what calibers? Are they any better protection-wise than the old steel helmets...
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    Close Quarters Combat Gear for our Troops?

    What gear (pistols, knives, daggers, etc) would make our troops more effective for CQC than the standard M-9 bayonet they're issued (and have to sign for)? And why? Keep in mind it has to be lugged around with all their other gear.
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    single-shot pistol for use as "spy" take-down rifle?

    Everyone of the movies that I've seen with spies/secret agents/assassins who have a long distance shot to make use these take-down rifles that they carry in a briefcase and assemble on site and which are (somehow) dead-on accurate after assembly. Never have I seen one using one of the 10-14"...
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    Mixing powders?

    Can black powder be mixed with Pyrodex? Can loose powder be added to a Pyrodex pellet to "enhance" the charge?
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    Are black powder weapons unregulated in California?

    With all the problems accompanying gun ownership in California, if black powder firearms are unregulated there as they are in most of the country, this would seem to be an avenue that would offer at least a degree of protection and not violate the laws of that state. Does anyone know?
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    Single shot pistols - can they shoot conical bullets?

    Am possibly thinking of getting one in .50 caliber, but would prefer not to have to use the patched round ball, as the conical Maxi-ball etc) bullets are a tad simpler to use. Anyone have any experience with these? Any particular brand recommendations?
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    Single-action revolver for defence?

    If you have/carry a single-action revolver that you use as a defensive weapon, what do you have/carry and why? Has anyone ever actually used a single-action revolver for defence? If so would you tell us of your experience(s)? Note : don't want to get into a debate about double-action vs...
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    Black powder weapon for defense?

    Does anyone use a black powder firearm as a defensive weapon? If so what are you using and why? Has anyone ever actually had to use a black powder firearm for defence? If so what happened?
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    Lightest loads used in black powder pistols?

    Just started shooting .22lr subsonic no powder ammo and was wondering, has anyone ever tried to pop out a lead ball out of a C&B revolver with just the cap? If so what happened? If not what is the lowest powder load you've used and what were the results? (I've got .36 cal. Colt Navy, Italian...
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    .22lr Subsonic Ammo

    Does anyone have experience shooting the low velocity stuff? If so what were you shooting and was it accurate? Does it have sufficient power to kill birds, squirrels, rabbits up close?
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    What should the next US military rifle be?

    Caliber, action, weight, length, etc. I've seen posts arguing the relative merits back and forth of .223 vs .308. But let's say we're starting from scratch, what should the US military pick and why? I'll start this off by stating that my pick for the next battle rifle should be a down-sized...
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    1/4" steel plate shield stopping power?

    If one were to make a shield out of 1/4" steel plate, what handgun cartridges would it be capable of stopping? I'm assuming .22lr, .25, .32 acp, and .380 would all be stopped by it, but what about 9mm, .357, .32 magnum, .44 special, .44 magnum, .41 magnum, .45 acp, and .40 S&W? Anybody have...
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    African game animals - fit to eat?

    I've never heard anyone talk about how good Cape Buffalo steak is, or how Wildebeest tastes just like venison, or frankly for that matter how any of the African big game animals actually taste. I'm planning on going on a safari in about 5 years, if political climate remains stable, but besides a...
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    Accurate 1851 Colt Navy reproductions in .36 cal?

    I've got an Italian (not sure of mfg, but will check) reproduction of the above, and I can barely get it to hit paper plate at 10 yds. Has anyone else had better luck with another of these .36 cap & ball Colt repo's as far as accuracy goes? Any suggestions? I'd like to get another but I want...
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    Is it safer to sleep with bedroom door open or closed?

    Are there any studies or recommendations by experts that one results in enhanced safety over the other? If you sleep with the door open you're more apt to be aware that an intruder has entered your house, vs. with the door closed you're less able to hear an intruder entering house, but safer...
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    Is .357 rifle suitable for critters bigger/tougher than deer?

    Just acquired an old Rossi .357 mag. lever-action carbine. Assume they would be ok on deer out to maybe 100 yd.s. Has anyone had any experience with this round on anything bigger or tougher than deer? For example black bear or large hogs? (Note : this is not my normal deer gun, have a 6.5 x 55...