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  1. S

    SP101 Review video and question.

    I just posted my little review of my SP101. I'd like to do some more gun reviews on youtube. I posted one of my P95 and I've gotten about 3,000 views in the few months it's been up. I'm just curious what kind of information or setup do...
  2. S

    Gun store calling fixed-mag AR "Obama Special"

    My friend and I were gawking at a Bushmaster AR that was only $525. We were both talking about buying it until we finally got our turn with the counter guy who explained that the gun will only hold 10 rds and that it is not magazine fed, but that you have to disassemble the gun to place rounds...
  3. S

    Does experience trump training?

    I was reading an old thread on here about gangbangers that included an FBI report on gang members. The report stated that many of the gang members had been in multiple firefights in the streets starting at a young age. I think that whether or not they are good shots or well trained with their...
  4. S

    Legal concealed carry in IL

    So I think I found a loophole in Illinois' concealed carry law that would allow private citizens to carry. There is a section of the law that states exemptions to the deadly weapons laws. For example the top of the list is police officers, and then prison guards who are on duty or driving...
  5. S

    Can't reassemble Ruger P95

    I took out the ejector, sear, and blocking lever, and now I can't return the pistol to functionality. I put all the pieces back in but the right side of the blocking lever (if you were looking down the sights) is tilted upward slightly when the ejector is pushed forward. The only way to put the...
  6. S

    P95 not going into battery

    I was at the range with my fairly new Ruger P95. I've put maybe 3-400 rounds through it before. After finishing my magazines, I loaded them back up all the way, but when I seated it and hit the slide release the slide just kind of caught the bullet and pushed the nose of it down (if that makes...