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  1. F

    From another forum. I just could not resist.

    The Gospel according to John (Moses Browning that is) "1. In the beginning was the 1911, and the 1911 was the pistol, and it was good. And behold the Lord said, 'Thou shalt not muck about with my disciple John's design, for it is good and it worketh. For John made the 1911, and lo all of his...
  2. F

    PS2466 - Constitusional Arms Law Senate Proyect Law

    Good day. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has in effect the most strict gun law of any state and or it's territories. Several aspects of the gun law are being questioned after the federal cases of Heller and it's pro genesis. A new law project (PS2466) has recently been presented in the...
  3. F

    3" 1911 platforms in different calibers

    I am considering the purshase of a new CC handgun in the 1911 platform, preferably in .45 acp but friends expiriences and horror stories have forced me to look at different calibers like the SA EMP IN 9mm and 40 which have proven to be quite reliable. My question is, how come these guns are so...