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  1. Z

    So the question is why?

    So Rich, you gonna tell us what caused you to reopen shop? Inquiring minds want to know.....Btw, .45 ACP is the best!!!
  2. Z

    Desert Eagle or not?

    Gang, I'm very close to ordering a Mark 19 Desert Eagle 44 Mag in Bright Nickel. Should I? My roommate has a old Mark 7 in .357 and I love it! Shoots accurately for a hand cannon. What do you guys think? Is it worth the $$$$$$$$?
  3. Z

    Terrorist squirrels rampage in England...

    Get this article.............................
  4. Z

    At it again! Click on the view graphic for number 9 until you get to the smallest graphic and click on the ballistic info box. Tell me if the size of that rd is actually a .308 instead of a .223? Those no good media!
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    What do you wear for conceal carry in hot weather?

    Hi all, I have a question. I just got my ccw license and I'm not sure how you can carry in the 90-100 degree weather without using a fanny pack. I'm not to keen on them because they just scream conceal carry! What do you all wear? Thanks!
  6. Z

    Can someone help..

    explain to me what excessive headspacing is? I heard that this can cause a rifle to have a catastropic malfunction. Thanks!
  7. Z

    Ok, I'm game. What the heck.........

    Is this tin hat thing? What does it stand for and what is it's origin? Please don't flame me..................................:o
  8. Z

    Biased cop remark

    First, let me say that I respect the law and the officers who have to uphold them but sometimes I wish they just shut the hell up. I was at my local Barnes and Nobles minding my own business and I was the magazine rack shuffling through some gun rags. (Of course). Anyway, a cop sees me and...
  9. Z

    You win one, you lose one...... Boy, I hate the dumb laws in NJ......anyone got a good job in a gun friendly state for me?:)
  10. Z

    Armed teachers Wow! Armed teachers. What a concept!
  11. Z

    Finally got my Florida CCW License

    Well after mailing in my application on Feb 1, 2002 I got my license in today. It's only been 3 months and 16 days....not too bad! if only I can get NJ to recognize the license. I think I'll move to Penn..hehehhe
  12. Z

    TFL members, what is your profession by day?

    Me, I'm a mild mannered packaging supervisor at a well known drug research and manufacturing corporation.
  13. Z

    US seen unfavorably by Arab (Surprise!) More non-sensical bs from those who can't admit that they did it on Sept 11, 2001.......sigh......
  14. Z

    Is being a "gun nut" bad?

    Hi all, I got a problem that is bugging me for a couple of weeks now. I have 2 roommates who I've known for sometime now. One I have known since 4th grade. The other for about 7-8 yrs now. Anyway, the one I know for 7-8 yrs thinks that I'm a "gun nut." Now, personally, I take that term as an...
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    American Spirit Arms

    Hi everybody, I'm currently putting together a "M4orgery" and I was wondering how ASA compares to Bushmaster. I own 2 Bushies already and want to try someone else. Thanks!
  16. Z

    Amnesty International....shut up!

    Amnesty International.... Here they go, crying about our treatment of the prisoners from Afganistan....These guys are lucky to be alive getting 3 squares and a cot. I can't stand this organization. I had a college class with a kid that believes in it and what a loser he was! Too much whiny...
  17. Z

    What would you do and what are the consequences......

    While driving to the range today, I drove by a Burger King and a scenario popped into my head. If I saw a shooting occurring similar to the type that happened in California where helpless patrons were being gunned down by a murderous looney, would I be convicted if I got out and stopped him dead...
  18. Z

    What to get, what to get?......hmmmmm

    Ok ladies and gentlemen, let the game begin! I'm shopping for a new pistol. Problem is.....I have no idea what to get. Here is what I own now. Wilson Protector .45 w/Armor Tuff finish Wilson Classic Custom .45 in all Stainless Steel Springfield Armoury .45 Mil-Spec in Parkerized finish Kimber...
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    How often you go..

    I was wondering how often you go shooting and how many rounds you typically shoot? I go once a week and go through 100-150 rds.
  20. Z

    Ted Nugent reply to Congress-Long Post!

    Hello All, I got this from a friend and I want to share it with you all. Written by Ted Nugent, the rock singer and hunter/naturalist, upon hearing that California Senators B. Boxer and D. Feinstein denounced him for being a "gun-owner" and a "rock star." This was his response after telling...