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    SAFETY RECALL: Caracal "C" Unfixable. New Recall Information Within.

    In case any owners here have yet to see the news. In regards to every "C" model pistol they've ever produced. "The safety issue(s) with the Caracal C cannot be fixed according to information released by the...
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    Which Glock for Cartridge Versatility?

    Ok, first things first... I hate Glocks. :eek: I've shot many, never liked one. However I believe I owe it to myself to own at least one for at least a period of time seeing as they're so prolific. The only way such a bland gun is ever going to hold my interest is if it's in an interesting...
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    Kholster OWB plus

    Anyone have any first hand experiance with this holster? I'm thinking about it for my full size CZ
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    11 More Bills Introduced in NJ

    They're trying hard restrict our rights even further. This is the latest offerings from lawmakers in the gargen state. A3748 Requires background check for private gun sales. Introduced by Jason O'Donnell, Charles Mainor, John F. McKeon No text for the bill available yet. A3717 (S2492)...
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    Need to be Enlightened on SKS Magazines.

    I can absolutely POSITIVELY not own an SKS with a "detachable" magazine in the people's republic of NJ. My question is, how do the aftermarket mags fit? Can they bit fitted in a similar way to the factory mag so that it would be non removeable without tools or rifle dissassembly?:confused:
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    I'm Applying For A NJ CHL

    Most people will call me a fool, and they're most likely correct. However I'm tired of letting the state bully me and everyone else into not applying. My chances of having a permit granted to me I estimate are somewhere along the lines of 1 in 1000. I am fully prepared to be hasseled for the...
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    Ted Williams/Win 12-1300 differences.

    Hey guys, I've got a Ted Williams model 200.. here's a crappy cell phone pic of it. as I understand it, the Ted williams was made for sears by winchester and is basically just a model 1200 clone. Well as it turns out I've discovered at least one difference. The rear of the reciever is not cut...
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    Had Swat Called On Me Today...

    I had a funny feeling about shooting today... with everything that was going on on. My friend literally JUST picked up an m&p15 and wanted to try it we loaded up and off to my range. My range is on private property and is 40+ acres. I've been shooting there for years without...
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    Loading "bi-metal" bullets?...

    Has anyone ever done it? Can you even find bi-metal bullets for reloading? One would imagine they would be insanely cheap looking at the prices of loaded ammunition. motivation for doing so would be that I could carry 7.62x25 ammo thats known for its penetration ability without the corrosive...
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    Tokarev IWB Holster Options..

    Anyone know of companies producing them? Would love to get a crossbreed but unfortunatly they don't produce holsters for this firearm :( P.s. I'm well aware of the "issues" with carrying this firearm. I understand the saftey they gun was originally built with and thats what I intend to use...
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    Decocker Disable?

    Anyone if its possible to dissable the decocking aspect of a decocking saftey? I would love to be able to carry my p64 "cocked and locked"
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    Firing Rifled Slug Through Adjustable Choke?

    I've done this many times without issue, I just adjust the choke down to cylinder before hand. My guy at the LGS however just informed me that I was probably damaging the choke? Does that sound accurate? It's never caused an issue before :confused:
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    Would You Travel For Pleasure to an Anti-2A State?

    Just curious how many people restrict their travel destinations to only places where they can carry? I personally try to travel mostly to places where I can carry since experiancing what it is like to be a real american is half the fun of the vacation. Are there people out there who won't come...
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    Traveling to VA, WV Would like some info on CCW laws

    Hey guys, goin on my yearly trip to skyline drive this columbus weekend and I'm very excited to be able to actually exercise my rights. Back info, I've had a UT CHL for about 8 months now... However I've only traveled with it to PA. I know the PA laws very well (they're actually really great...
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    NAA Sidewinder?...

    So heard a lto of raving going on a few monthsd ago about this coing out in the near future. Now I can't seem to find any further info on it. Anyone know whats up? Are they still planning on making them and if so when will they be released?
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    Bersa Thunder .22 + Bulk Ammo?

    Hey guys,.. looking to get into another .22lr semi. I really like da/sa guns and the size/feel of walther PP type handguns. My only real requirement is that it be fairly reliable with federal or blazer bulk packs. Anyone have any experiance with this?
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    Ruger MK3 22/45 locked up..

    Hey guys, took down my 22/45 the other day for cleaning after its first 1000 rounds (man you should of seen the leading in that barrel!) anyway All went well and then I re-assembeled. I don't recall using excessive force while assembeling but now the bolt will only move able halfway back and I...
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    <$100 handguns.

    What have you seen out there? Looking to build my collection (and not let any permits go to waste (Eff NJ)) what have you guys seen online and on the shalves for $100 or less? Not looking for anything practical just guns that are neat or interesting and are in shootable condition that use a...
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    DA/SA, SAO Pocket Guns...

    Thinking of picking up a second pocet gun thats even smaller and lighter then my P64. Looking for something preferably in .32acp (going for smallest size possible) but also thinking about .380 My problem is I cannot stand DAO triggers. They're just not for me. Sadly most pistols of this size...
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    Best way to hide your pistol from a pat down?

    So here goes. First of all signage/company policy in PA carrys no weight of law. I'm going to a concert in philly in the near future and would really like to do so armed ( for those of you that don't know..philly is not a very nice place). The concert hall is one I've never been to before and...