Search results

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    Advice selling G20 parts?

    I'm considering selling some Glock 20 (10mm) parts and I'm curious what they're worth as a lot, and how to go about selling them. Total round count through all parts is 120, and all are in excellent condition. Pics attached. 1 Extended, custom ported 10mm barrel - See attachment for how it...
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    SIG P226 SA reset problem

    I have a circa 2009 SA/DA P226 in .40 (S/N U 851 XXX) that had trigger work done. After ~600 rounds, the hammer fails to stay in SA about 15% of the time, meaning the hammer falls back to DA mode after cycling. No other failures of any kind. I removed the grips to get a look but I can't take...
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    Speer Lawman 9mm x3616 vs x3651?

    Anyone know the difference between these loads? I googled around a bit but couldn't find anything definitive. The data is almost identical between: Close enough that...
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    Gold Dot .380 availability

    Does anyone have a reliable source for Gold Dot .380? Seems hard to find these days. Perhaps Speer has de-prioritized this load in favor of 9mm or something? Also, are these normally available in the (much cheaper) 50rd "LE" boxes? No caliber/brand hating, please.
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    Beretta 92 breech face oil

    The Beretta 92 manual calls for a "cloth and/or brush soaked in gun oil, paying special attention to the breech face and extractor...". I want to follow the manual's instructions, but after recently cleaning out my Glock's gunky firing pin channel I'm hesitant to add oil at the risk of gunking...
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    "White glove" cheap tricks

    Share your tips for detailing or just easy extra cleaning while watching TV :) Toothpicks! Pointy enough to get into firing pin channels, chambers, under extractors, and the inside corners of rail cuts but soft enough to never scratch anything. Q-Tips! Their slight fraying can be helpful...
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    Kansas UPS Store won't ship scopes

    I had a broken Burris 536 optic that I wanted to return to MidwayUSA, who advises returning through UPS. I packaged it back up and started the shipping procedure at my local UPS store. When the guy asked me what the package was, I answered "rifle scope". He immediately stopped and told me...
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    How many 30rd AR magazines exist?

    It must be in the high millions, if not tens of millions. From old surplus GI to modern PMAGs. Has a rigorous estimate been attempted?
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    Apartment safe

    So this idiot I know owns a dozen firearms, lives in an apartment, is single with no kids, but still doesn't own a gun safe. What would you recommend that can securely hold 12+ pistols and would be easyish to install in a big ("drive-in") apartment closet? Something for basic theft/fire...
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    Dream pistol malfunctions?

    Like when you can't throw a good punch, do you have pistol malfunctions in your dreams? Share your subconscious oddities :)
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    Eye protection over glasses

    What do you fellow four-eyes wear at the range? Rarely an issue but once I've caught some hot brass to the face behind the specs. Preferably something that doesn't interfere with ear protection much more than glasses already do.
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    Range rpt: LCP w/Handall, 13# spring

    Wow, an amazing difference. The Hogue Handall slip-on offers extra purchase for big hands, good tacky grip, and recoil absorption. The Wolff 13lb spring also helps smooth recoil and stops ejected brass from causing as much damage as the bullet. Combined, they completely transform the LCP into...
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    Range rpt: G21 10mm w/20, 22lb springs

    Thinking my G21 10mm conversion would wear hard on the frame, I tried Wolff 20 and 22lb recoil springs. Shooting BVAC 180gr 10mm FMJ and JHP in various combinations in the magazine (to verify feeding), I had consistent ejection failures. I have shot the same ammo with the stock 17lb G21 spring...
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    Burris Fastfire III on a slide?

    The manual states this little guy can withstand 1000+ Gs. I like it on my AR but I'm curious if any TFLers have used one long-term mounted on a pistol slide.
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    Cheap M855

    What's the latest? Does this exist any more? :) I usually buy from Midway, CTD, Brownell's but would go elsewhere on recommendation. Thanks.
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    Burris AR-536 questions

    The manual is pretty sparse so I thought TFLers might be able to help before I bother to zero it or (ugh) return it. I'm confused about the 5 settings per red/green. Settings 2-4 are predictably increasingly brighter. Setting 1 seems to do nothing. Setting 5 seems to vary randomly in...
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    Guess what I found in the mail this morning.

    You can't so I'll tell you. A freaking Burris 536 optic and Fastfire III along with a 10rd mag to zero them! Thanks to whoever sent them. Really looking forward to shooting with em.
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    Quick review: Mechanix gloves

    Mechanix Original (Original, none of their Impact or Quick-fit versions, none of that crap). Buy them, you won't regret it. I've sliced, bruised, gotten bit, and everything in between when cleaning or working on my guns. These gloves provide extra grip and protection my clumsy ass needs. And...
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    G21 10mm 22# spring

    I put a 22# Wolff spring and rod in my G21 10mm conversion project and encountered FTE's about 1 in 10 (stovepipes) with BVAC 180gr, 100 rounds. All else is stock. I don't mind a break-in period but now I'm thinking 20# would be more appropriate. Thanks for opinions.
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    10mm brass valuable?

    Last couple of times I've been to the range with my G21 10mm project, dudes have asked if they could have my brass (sure, I said). I don't shoot enough of one caliber to reload (yet) but is 10mm that valuable for some reason?